Hi EJ,
It does not matter nor change anything too much for activists to PG.
You guys are still good patriotic activists, and PG does not change that.
Regardlessly, the famiLEE LEEgime will find everyone guilty with traces of Kangaroo foot prints all over the public records. It is practically necessary for so many activists to spend valuable time to go through this Kangaroo Pasar Malam.
Even just not taking the PG during the mentioning court 2 months ago like you did is already enough for the purpose of making a principal statement.
Strategically, breaking the trial up into as many separated ones as posible instead of having joint trial of 19 fighters is correct that LEEgime needs a judge and court overhead for each trial besides the AGC's own overhead, further each of the 26 witnesses have to testify and be crossed examined once in each individual trial, that will got LEEgime tens of thousands or a hundred thousand just to get your $600 fine!

As LEEgime refused to dis-joint the trial, still a number of fighters can 1st PG then appeal against sentences, so even if the high court handled all appeals in joint-trials, it is still another round for them to handle.

It is price to pay on activist's part in terms of time & otherwise, but the famiLEE LEEgime will have to be made to pay more in a high proportion. View it in the same way as the strategy of standing off 3 days at Speakers' Cornered. Why spent 3 days there when you knew they will not let you march to Parliament? The trial can become another form of stand off, psychological warfare and endurance contest or exhaustion warfare. They want to convict you regardless of law or facts or morality or rights ANY WAY, you just not going to make it easy for them.
In the process you can have lots of angles and opportunities to catch them in embarrassments and expose their corrupts and incompetence. This aspect is identical between trials & Speakers' Cornered standing off.
Similarly, why does Sealan's 5 days hunger-strike at Malaysian High Comm means? He knows that Abudullah wasn't going to release HINDRAF 5 at all, regardless weather he camp outside High Comm for 50 days, but BN regime knows and felt that they had been targeted and engaged by someone with strong resolve.
I think it does not need too many activists to do this together in a single activity, and in a trial not every one have to go through the same length to be efficient on resources.
The next time, to force LEEgime to break trail into more than one, protest in smaller separated groups on different days at different places, and give the campaign different names and even wear different T-shirts. See how they can still force joint the trials.

9 activist to Parliament on Monday wear red TBT T-shirts, 9 activist to Istana on Tuesday wear blue BTH T-shirts (BTH = Buay Tah Han):p
Got more human resources? Another 9 on Wednesday!
Want to Kiasu?
Then 5 activist on Monday, 5 activists on Tuesday, 5 activists on Wednesday, 3 on Thursday!

What can the public do to help? Donate & Support if you can not take part.
Donate to the legal defense funds or help some activists to pay fines, so that those can not afford to go to jail can still take part in protests.
Some activists can not afford the time to go to trail, they should be excused to PG, and save time for themselves so that they can take care of business; jobs & family. They are not to be viewed as sabotage in campaigns. They are still the good patriotic activists that deserves supports.
Bravo EJ!
If Singaporeans knows how to put in their supports we will see more activists, can cover all week long of protest from Monday to Sunday, even whole month!