I learn from a kongfu master.
Mr Goh Meng Seng,
May I ask why did you take the drastic measure of selling your HDB flat to fund NSP election expenses? Since you are not the power holder, why should you sacrifice? Yet your power holder, NSP President "cho bo lan bua long long" enjoy the fruits of your labor?
Super ROFL
lianbeng asks steffychun, "sorry but wats ROFL? and why?"![]()
jw5 tells lianbeng, ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing lah...........................:p
lianbeng thanks jw5, "soli lah dunnoe all these shortforms lah."![]()
I am not sure but that is just like getting your enemy to be addicted to gambling...
Goh Meng Seng
The pearl in this saying is that by letting your enemy think that they are as great as they believe themselves to be, will be the start of their downfall. In the world of politics, there are too many variables to take into consideration. To survive, one need lots of introspection and meditation. You need to understand the motivation of your followers/supporters and collegues. Sometimes you can ride on their zeal but you need to know when to get off. Like riding a tiger, it takes you to great places but you need to dismount at the right time lest you be eaten up by the tiger itself. You need to keep a close watch on your people and you need to put your ears on the ground. If you do not have qualities above the average person, you are not cut out for politics and better stay out. The ground is always moving, you need to know where to stand lest the earthquake strikes and you get swallowed into the ground. Many of us think that that we can stay true to certain ideals and that will see us through. Sadly, those who believe this will not make the cut in politics, anywhere anytime.
To survive, a politician can be highly adaptable and never complacent. The moral of the story is that if you allow people to make you think you are great, you will definitely have a great fall. In a nutshell, if you think of Nicole Seah as a valued ally, you need to talk her around and get her to get her feet plated on the ground. By not doing so, GMS you are plotting her political death. As a past SG, please do the right thing regardless of what others may think of you. In time they will learn to appreciate you.
I really wonder who you are!
The most poisonous words come from honey coated mouth.
Goh Meng Seng
Goh, I suggest you spend less time here and more time wondering how Nicole (despite her mistakes) got so popular.
I really wonder who you are!The most poisonous words come from honey coated mouth.Goh Meng Seng
Goh, I suggest you spend less time here and more time wondering how Nicole (despite her mistakes) got so popular.
I really wonder who you are!
The most poisonous words come from honey coated mouth.
Goh Meng Seng
Her popularity has already been predicted and set up when I first persuaded her to stand in Marine Parade. There isn't any mystery about it. It is about the sustainability of such instant fame that matters most. But it is really no longer my business now.
Goh Meng Seng
You can be assured that I have no agenda other than to give my comments on what I have seen in the GE and PE. I am nobody. During the GE, I thought that NSP was the party to match WP and do well to keep the PAP in check. This is what all out us here want. I also thought that NSP would stand well in the 2016 GE and at least win a SMC hopefully if well planned and executed- a GRC. But the NSP position during the PE was a disaster- You GMS was standing on the side of TKL and your two other strongmen were on the side of TJS. What really happened was that you showed the public that NSP was a party deeply divided even during its infancy stage. I think that you , GMS should retreat to the high mountains and think deeply on the direction of NSP. Do not say that you have resigned as GS and it is none of your business. This is no child's play, when you make a stand everyone assumes that you made thought long and hard and that you are 100% sure of what you represent. You even mentioned the financial sacrifice that you have made. All these on a whim and fancy? Think again. It is not as issue of your ego but what you really are and represent. Going by what happened in the PE, you are actually telling us that even if your team get elected in the GE, before even the 1st parliament sitting you are already a house divided. If this is the case then you have no business taking part in any elections. I don't represent anyone or party but I take my vote seriously and I think you should too.
Excellent argument