It must a cultural thing or society thing or??...I really can't tell, when I was young, I had servants who live in, on their off days, they go out till the next day, that is 24 hours; & this is in Singapore. I wonder if the maids in Hong Kong or Taiwan, off day, they leave the house for 24 hours; I know in Canada they do,
Some employer here will COMPLAIN & MAKE NOISES, if we start getting the maids off for 24 major one will be, they will be canoodling with men....but many don't know, that some 'itchy' ones, 9 hrs off, they can have one in the morning, one in the afternoon & another in the evening before going back to employer's house...this is not a joke. the point is, we will give 1001 excuse, on why the maids should not even have days off..never mind 24 hrs.