But today, the sun was out, and as I ran up my friend's driveway, the budding trees and flowers greeted me. We ( LWL Best of Friends ??? ) went for a walk at my favourite waterfall, Taughannock Falls, where I have asked my friend to scatter my ashes after I die. But for now, life is sweet.
she can register here:
and she has to read this as it applies to scattering of one's ashes in the state of new york....
Funerals USA attempts to be as legally accurate as possible to address concerns about scattering cremated human remains in the State of New York. The fact that memorialization isn’t a normal state matter (outside of State controlled parks and lands) makes it difficult to find an appropriate answer.
If your scattering ceremony is to be held within a city or town limits this suggests that city/town ordiance and bylaws should be consulted.
If your scattering ceremony is to be held outside of city or town limits then municipal or county ordiance and bylaws should be consulted.
That said, our standard response often applies — there are no "cremains police" in any state to ensure proper etiquette, permits, or permission are obtained and used. There are no health, safety or environmental issues to be concerned about. Your own moral compass/judgment can be equally right within the reasons of common sense.
Private Property
It’s a good practice to get the permission of the landowner to do anything on private land.
Controlled Public Lands
Most controlled lands such as public city parks have rules and regulations, and permits.
Uncontrolled Public Lands
When it comes to non-specific public land, (e.g. rural woodlands) don’t ask, don’t tell is as fitting advice as any. No laws say "yes" and no laws say "no.".
Be advised that cremated remains can be stark white, a little like aquarium gravel, and therefore rather conspicuous, not at all like the "ashes from a fireplace". You may wish to consider a shallow burial unless you’re scattering in water. It is also highly advisable to use roads (areas) less traveled for the scattering ceremony; cremation and/or scattering is offensive to many people and cultures.
As a guide, you should not scatter ashes within 100 yards of public roads or walks or public trails.
Within all the literary writings at all levels; federal, state, and local legislation – the only commonally agreed point of principle I have found is that the container which carries the remains must be disposed of separately – preferably is a waste receptacle.