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Why chinese wakes need to provide beer?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Got beer meh? Usually they provide mineral water or packet drinks. Maybe some uncles like beer to go with the nuts and melon seeds.
The beer are stored inside the coffin and chilled by the cold dead body....You can lift up the coffin lid and pick a can whenever you want. :laugh:
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Byebye Penis

It is not normal to drink beer during a wake. I am surprised your family encounter this.
more thugs in my extended family.
useless thugs

retired thugs already own kopitiam, money-launder for N.Korea.
mine, only ask for free-flow beers in wakes and baby shower.


certainly, but shouldn't pressure family of deceased to go find alcohol.

like what @blackmondy said, might as well get beer ladies to sit on their laps.
For me ..if I visit n no alcohol. .I will buy my own ... I won't pressure the family etc n make demands. I am not a fuckien


Alfrescian (Inf)
last night will serve dinner, but i only attended earlier nights, they didn't just serve melon seats and peanuts. They served fresh fruits like big green seedless grapes and dragon fruits for the non-drinkers.

different league.
We need more variety on these sombre occasions, like serving durians to those that stayed up much longer.


About time some how lian people hold the wake in 5 star hotel ballrooms. The white gold will also commensurate with the hotel standard...macam wedding ang pow.


Alfrescian (Inf)
About time some how lian people hold the wake in 5 star hotel ballrooms. The white gold will also commensurate with the hotel standard...macam wedding ang pow.
Much cheaper to hold the wake at the hotel reception area.... :sneaky:

Byebye Penis

About time some how lian people hold the wake in 5 star hotel ballrooms. The white gold will also commensurate with the hotel standard...macam wedding ang pow.
most people are like that. When seniors are around or dying, relatives xiam like crazy, caregivers took the blunt.

Then when seniors die, suddenly everyone enthusiastic about the wake, show their friends they very fillal, get off from company. Best of all, can get a share of leftover wake money, and later get an equal share of inheritance.

syed putra

It's even better to die as a Muslim.

1) Exempted from cremation.

2) That day die, that day settle. No prolonged funeral wakes to showcase your SES or filial piety.
No need contrinbtion also. Its voluntary. Family also never ask for it. Same as wedding. Invitation means its free. Unless guest wants to contribute in terms of money or presents.its not part of culture to contribute except gotong royong for wedding in kampung as in cooking and decorations.