Re: Why are the Jews so powerful!
I really kept my word of leaving this CB forum for good until your this low-level, low-IQ piece of trash came out. You have, with this reply, showed everyone you are nothing but an ignorant and stubborn fool whose only purpose in life is to antagonise LKY and the MIW. I am bloody amazed how you have lasted so long. Truly, please do something else more productive and fruitful if not for yourself at least for your family. Unless you're one lonely, pitiful b+st+rd on this planet.
Dream on if you think US of A will decline. Not even after a generation after you will this scenario have the remotest possibility of becoming reality. Stupid idiot. Read the relevant info lah, donkey. It's US of A dollars but others (holders of greenbacks) problems, understand?
I can assure you that I am right about this, I said all these from a long time ago and most of it had been proven as accurate as prophecy.
I was right all all counts also regarding Bush junior and I wrote my predictions & comments about this moron since beginning of his presidency, before even 911. I was very sure when I wrote at beginning of Iraq Wars that Bush will lose and his failures will bring down USA's superpower status - that was when more than a hundred governments were strongly backing him just after 911. The moron declared victory for Iraq War and then years later admitted to defeat.
USA will go down like the British Empire after WW2. Many will sink with it.
There are lot of similarities between sinking of RMS Titanic and Superpower Empire USA. Also some (less) similarities with sinking of British Empire.
RMS Titanic was the symbol of
UNSINKABLE power of western imperialism, a symbol of wealth; technology; industrial strength; confidence and superiority status. It lays deep 4000m below the cold dark Atlantic Ocean floor now.
HUGE; Strong; expensive; complicated; luxury; SECURE; opulence.
Fatally sank on maiden voyage with 70% of passengers fatality.
The sinking was unthinkable incredible & tragic, the losses of lives and wealth were also incredible.
It went down all the way, it touched the bottom and remain there never surface again since 1912.
It was launched & sent off on Good Friday.
It was supposed to sail from British Empire to USA Empire (NY) but reached the bottom of Atlantic Ocean instead. It was supposed to pass-by Statue of
Liberty (symbol) in port of NY (where 911 hit) but failed to reach there.
Mark my post here, and some days down the history people can check back how accurate and resembling it had been - between sinking of RMS Titanic & sinking of SuperPower USA Empire.
I had been using the same example to compare since before 911 (2001), and I knew I will be very precise & accurate. It had been 8 year or so, the developments from then when USA was still at the peak had until now all the way proved that I had pointed out the right thing confidently.
USA had been sinking since then, now it is below the ocean's surface already, in due time it will be 4km below, and then stay there for QUITE SOME TIME.
British Empire had sank since end of WW2. Until now still remaining sub. Tony Blair shared nearly half of Bush's Iraq War mistakes, so UK remains sub.
EU Russia PRC India will jointly and / or in rotation share the next super power status after USA. Mark my words!
Further more in the nearer time frame the US$ will the the source of a major global financial crisis. One day you will know when Vietnam Dongs be more secure and stable than US$