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Why are our talented young people doing well elsewhere but not in Sg?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Talented sinkies are doing very well in Singapore. This is one of the nominees for Sinkie of the Year 2015. Looks like a sinkie may well end up as the real-life Tony Stark. Not bad for a sinkie who was educated entirely in Singapore and followed the government advice to venture abroad to gain some experience.

Don't you read the Straits Times? You really should, instead of spending too much time on unreliable social media news that is forever running down Singapore and publishing anti-Singapore news.

It won't last even if he succeeds. Remember Creative and so many one-shot wonders.


It is prudent for all talented Singaporeans to leave Singapore as and when the opportunity beckons. There really is no future for Singapore under the pap ... Only good for the regime and their cronies.

future in sg belongs to f trashes embraced by LHL n cronies.................. sgian only for serving NS, drive taxi n clean toilet...........


Alfrescian (Inf)
It won't last even if he succeeds. Remember Creative and so many one-shot wonders.

IT is a highly competitive arena,so many other giants have fallen,he should have gotten out in the early 2000s instead of letting the cancer rot and fester,cash out and joined PAP in rent seeking activities,buy up office space or shopping malls and rent to renters,become a property developer.

any decent businessman would have done the right thing long ago.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It won't last even if he succeeds. Remember Creative and so many one-shot wonders.

Creative was well-known mainly for its sound card. This botak sinkie, on the other hand, seems to be dabbling in a number of cutting-edge engineering stuff like drones, robot suits and conventional vehicles. Looks way more promising than Creative.