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Who's this old fart Samster with long hair? It seems that more and more old farts are keeping their hair long these days.




There are many different styles of long hair.
This design is more for old farts and m&d rockers.
Youngster ones are like F4 etc


“Yogis say that long hair draws more energy to the brain. They describe the body as an inverted tree of which the spine is the trunk, the nervous system the branches, and the hair the roots. This is why many yogis let their hair grow long. When I was in India, I allowed my hair to grow until finally it reached half way down my back. I discovered with long hair that I was subject to fewer headaches than I had been before.”

You may meditate on this interesting explanation by Yogananda: “The hair is more on the head because that is where the seat of energy is.

“Some yogis do not cut their hair but keep it long, to draw from the ether a greater quantity of cosmic rays. The reason for Samson’s having lost his superhuman strength when his hair was shorn by Delilah may well be that he had practiced certain yogic exercises that transform one’s hair into sensitive antennae to draw cosmic energy from the ether.”
Now people should know why modern people are becoming more and more like a slave and NS man needs to cut their hair


U and your confusion word salad again
I think you have never think critically why “men” were brainwashed to keep short hair instead lol
And women can keep long hair

Remember that you are a vaxtard plus globetard.
Critical thinking skill is never part of your assets lol