Here another leap of faith for those who intend to boycott;
1. The natural reaction for everyone is not to participate in a rigged elections which this is clearly the case. The reason for boycotting is clear sign of protest and also not to give credence to the establishment and the elections process by not turning up.
2. Then you find out that the establishment actually benefits when you boycott or spoil your votes as these are not counted. Again simple maths explains why in various posts in this thread. So there is an opportunity to embarrass the establishment and teach the PAP a lesson.
3. When Tony Tan former DPM and endorsed heavily in the Press, clan, business organisations only received 35.2% of the votes, it showed that 64.8% of Singaporean voters rejected the PAP candidate. Rusty explains this well. The embarrassment to Tony Tan and the PAP was huge and it made a fool of both. It is no surprise that Tony refused to do a second term. More importantly it shows that over 60% have no time for PAP.
4. When DPM Ong Tang Cheng only got 58.7% with heavy campaigning and press coverage while his opponent got 41.3% without campaigning, it does not take a fool to figure that people voted for someone who was not keen or that they had no idea about suggesting a high level of protest vote.
Here is what Ong Teng Cheng said when asked to explain this embarrassing amount of protest votes;

1. The natural reaction for everyone is not to participate in a rigged elections which this is clearly the case. The reason for boycotting is clear sign of protest and also not to give credence to the establishment and the elections process by not turning up.
2. Then you find out that the establishment actually benefits when you boycott or spoil your votes as these are not counted. Again simple maths explains why in various posts in this thread. So there is an opportunity to embarrass the establishment and teach the PAP a lesson.
3. When Tony Tan former DPM and endorsed heavily in the Press, clan, business organisations only received 35.2% of the votes, it showed that 64.8% of Singaporean voters rejected the PAP candidate. Rusty explains this well. The embarrassment to Tony Tan and the PAP was huge and it made a fool of both. It is no surprise that Tony refused to do a second term. More importantly it shows that over 60% have no time for PAP.
4. When DPM Ong Tang Cheng only got 58.7% with heavy campaigning and press coverage while his opponent got 41.3% without campaigning, it does not take a fool to figure that people voted for someone who was not keen or that they had no idea about suggesting a high level of protest vote.
Here is what Ong Teng Cheng said when asked to explain this embarrassing amount of protest votes;