You've been well-indoctrinated by the PAP. While investment in education is crucial, most experts agree it's basic formal education that matters most – 10 to 12 years of education. Which is why all western countries and Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan, Korea and China make basic education compulsory. (Your beloved PAP on the other hand has yet to implement compulsory education, for all the talk about education's importance.)
When it comes to tertiary education, the jury's still out. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Jerry Yang, Mark Zuckerberg all share one thing in common, apart from their billionaire status: they're all dropouts. University enrolments are falling year-on-year in the States for the past 5 years. Germany and the low countries and Switzerland focus on craft guilds and polytechnic training to support the economy rather than university education. Many MBAs worldwide are out of a job, and experts are now studying the worth of a degree in the real working world. Of course, you'd still need a uni education if you want to be in the professions – law, medicine, engineering, etc.