See angmohs at the hawker center, left bottom?
Back in 1915, 100 years ago, angmoh were not allowed to assimilate or get near Chinese communities becos they are dealing with drugs opium, traffickers, and Chinese were the targeted consumers.
1900s were sad history of Chinese in China and SEA Singapore and Borneo region drugged by no other than the Evil Pommies.
The British governor of Singapore drugged their non-white British Subjects Chinese communities for drug money to expand their British Empire.
Look at the angmohs sitting there and guess what they are thinking of you Chinese Singaporeans?
1. That history of Singaporean Chinese were opium smokers and China were biggest opium suppliers and nothing to do with the British governor?
FAQ: If Singapore Chinese communities have access to opium from China why the British did nothing to stop the import?
2. Why did the non-white British Subjects NOT enjoy the same privileges to migrate to UK as citizens, and enjoy quality life style of the British backhome in Singapore? Why is Singapore drugged for dirty drug money?
So gentlemen, time to stand tall and be equal of the history of Singapore in 1915. Get the West to apologize to your forefathers drugged by no other the British Governor of Singapore, the evil barbaric racist bastards. The importation of massive drug by this evil bastard Brit is not for leisure use but to drug a nation, no excuse.
No excuse for drugging any race for dirty money to finance their industrial revolution growth and economy of their motherland, nor USA at the expense of one race, the Chinese. For drug trade to prosper it can only targeted well to do or wealthy countries to afford consuming drug.
Back in 1915, 100 years ago, angmoh were not allowed to assimilate or get near Chinese communities becos they are dealing with drugs opium, traffickers, and Chinese were the targeted consumers.
1900s were sad history of Chinese in China and SEA Singapore and Borneo region drugged by no other than the Evil Pommies.
The British governor of Singapore drugged their non-white British Subjects Chinese communities for drug money to expand their British Empire.
Look at the angmohs sitting there and guess what they are thinking of you Chinese Singaporeans?
1. That history of Singaporean Chinese were opium smokers and China were biggest opium suppliers and nothing to do with the British governor?
FAQ: If Singapore Chinese communities have access to opium from China why the British did nothing to stop the import?
2. Why did the non-white British Subjects NOT enjoy the same privileges to migrate to UK as citizens, and enjoy quality life style of the British backhome in Singapore? Why is Singapore drugged for dirty drug money?
So gentlemen, time to stand tall and be equal of the history of Singapore in 1915. Get the West to apologize to your forefathers drugged by no other the British Governor of Singapore, the evil barbaric racist bastards. The importation of massive drug by this evil bastard Brit is not for leisure use but to drug a nation, no excuse.
No excuse for drugging any race for dirty money to finance their industrial revolution growth and economy of their motherland, nor USA at the expense of one race, the Chinese. For drug trade to prosper it can only targeted well to do or wealthy countries to afford consuming drug.
Maybe Ah Looniee boi song with this image circulating in cyberspace.
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