It's the influx of foreigners that has been driving up HDB prices - PRs buying HDB flats and foreign workers demanding rental properties.
Here's the proof:
- despite the "worst recession in 50 years", HDB prices soared, defying gravity, commonsense and economics (Q.E.D.)
CPF, HDB and FT policies are related.
U see, its idiots like u that just go around regurgitating what u hear. U got brain, than use it. Dun come here and talk about common sense and PRs driving HDB prices up. Look at some facts first.
The singapore property market is not a true market driven system. It cannot be when one entity owns and controls 80% of the market. This entity can easily set and fix the price. The HDB flat price increase is due to the fact the HDB deliberately slow down construction of new flats in a time of rising population. for example, in the 90s, it was not unusual for the HDB to build 30,000 units a year. In 2008, they build 2700. In the last 5 years, they have averaged much less than 10,000 units a year. I guarantee u if they kept to their 30,000 per year pace, there is no high prices today. Even if there were no PRs or FTs in singapore, this small number of flats is not even enough to keep up demand from native born sinkies. The prices would have risen anyway. Why do that? The HDB does this because they know that by deliberately keeping a small supply in a period of rising demand, they can charge more and make more profit. Ask yourself how many PRs actually have the means and desire and qualification to buy? If they are here working for $1200 a month, they can afford to buy shit. If they making $12,000 a month, they will buy private condo, not HDB flat. Yes, some do buy, but what is the number, and does it actually affect the market. As for FTs demanding rental units. Firstly, many FTs are house in company dorms or situations similar to dorms. Like the recent case of the IR workers housed in old blocks, or new dorms are build for them, like in Serangoon Gardens. And if they rent, they will squeeze 8-12 people into a flat and save money that way.
U don't believe any of this, u can check it out yourself. Just go and ask HDB how many PRs buy flats, that will answer everything for you. HDB will not release that number to u, even if u ask them. The reason is this number is very small, maybe a few thousands only. HDB would rather suckers like u blame the FTs/PRs than blame the real culprit, which is them.