Most likely it is a case of butter fingers. Remember you wrongly moved threads to RH when you were mod too. Your post was next to Jah's post; The Mod most likely wanted to move Jah's post but butter-fingered moved yours too.
Let us use logic to determine who did it. There are only 4 people who could have done it: Raiders, Big Sexy, The Moderator, and Leongsam. Raiders is unlikely as he is off duty (I believe his claim), and in any case, if he did it, he would own up.
I believe Leongsam's claim of innocence, and since Leongsam has not revealed which of the other two did it, I believe he has no intention to. Since he has no intention to, I believe Leongsam does not want to expose him to criticism. Since Leongsam has exposed Big Sexy's mistakes ONCE in the past, I believe therefore Big Sexy is not the one. Logic dictates that the one who accidentally moved your post must be The Moderator.