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WHO Communist faggot wants to bind all countries to a pandemic treaty.



In the opening ceremony for the 2022 World Health Organization Summit, Dr. Tedros, Director General of the WHO, explains why it's necessary to bind all countries to a pandemic treaty that will last "maybe even centuries to come".


Alfrescian (Inf)
"Sir! Yes sir!" :biggrin:



too bad the evil group controls every garbermens on earth . too bad nowadays , people lack moral values and are extreme greedy for money and power.
using it tremendous wealth , it puts a stranglehold of the economy , finance , politics aspects of every countries.
through cunning manipulation , the evil group managed to make the dollar the main currency reserve in every country
through the who , nato , un , world bank , etc.. it calls the shots in all major decisions and set rules as to how other countries act and response.

idiots still think that the western capitalism is the best. imagine the evil bill or a rothschild want to control or destroy sinkiepoo. they can easily buy all the dBS shares , the singtel shares, they call buy all sin dollars to jack up its value , or sell the sin dollars to crash it. this is the western capitalism.
the evil group invented the trading of paper gold in order to control gold price. and all the countries have to agree to this agreement.

the only way out is for all non europe countries to leave the so called UN , WHO , world bank, etc.. and form their won respective organisations.
ditch the use of dollars for trading .
the alternative is a nuclear war.