I feel compelled to write this during my late lunch break.
While I was passing by Old Bedok Road yesterday late afternoon, I saw three WP youngsters; two guys in their late teens and one young pretty lady
distributing brochures.
Just the three of them youngsters....... without any elders, NMP, MPs or fanfare. That alone, gained my attention and respect.
The weather was hot with intermittent light drizzle. They could have stayed home or hang out with ignorant and balless youths of their age having fun.
But they were doing something about their beliefs that has a bearing for the future, despite the perceived odds. In that alone, IMO they will make it in life anywhere. And they are well and above Ms tintin.
If any WP member is reading this, please convey my well wishes and compliments to them. If I am their parents, I will be very proud of them and be rest assured that these are indications that they can hold out alone amist challenges in life.
I would have stopped and given you guys and gals a word of appreciation and encouragement if traffic allowed.
And despite your efforts and with the symptoms around us, if majority still chooses to remain daft, be kicked round, allow to be replaced by FT and muted, let them be....... for you have done your part, conscience is clear.
Even if Ms tintin gets to be MP thru the backdoor.....in my eyes, you three are the better young persons and role models.
Cheers and best wishes.