Ah Neh have you been to China?
In your dreams?
Do you know what happened to the Jews in Shanghai, China?
During the 2nd WW arrrrhhhhhh, the Jews the snakes they are thinking that the Japanese are sweeping over the land and killing little Chinese babies made a community decision to side with the murderous Japunese and began importing drugs into China with also the assistance of the British. Opium wars.
Until the faithless Jews were chased out of China by the Chinese.
The Chinese gave more than 20,000 Jews who were being fucked by Hitler refuge in Shanghai out of compassion and good faith and these fuckers instead of being grateful then began importing drugs and drugging the weak.
Did Iraqi Jewish business leaders ever regret importing opium into 19th century China?
No, you know, I don’t think so. When you talk to the families now, they’ll say, “We didn’t know it was that bad.” They knew it was bad. The Sassoons had to dismiss some of their Chinese employees because they were
addicted to opium. Many of the Jewish families fought tooth and nail against banning opium. Opium was legal and used for medicinal purposes. Like people who sell cigarettes and alcohol, their feeling was that they were filling a need. They also looked upon the Chinese as being different from Westerners. They felt that the Chinese weren’t like us, so
selling opium to the Chinese was seen as something that could be done. So there is a moral reckoning for selling this drug, even though the consequences for China were catastrophic. The Kadoories did not deal in opium, and are quite proud of that today; they are sensitive to how the Chinese will, even today, bring up
the topic of opium sales.
I know you are not berry smart
Mama Pundek Primaly 6 failure
mama teh tarik satu sikit gula jangan tarik kasi panas
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