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I don't see how you can reconcile it with the fact that it is your ignorance that is being exposed.
Your trolling is being exposed, that's the fact, jackass. LOL, get real, fakie.
I don't see how you can reconcile it with the fact that it is your ignorance that is being exposed.
Your trolling is being exposed, that's the fact, jackass. LOL, get real, fakie.
Now you show yourself as somehow who does not even know what a troll is. You need not look further than the man you see in the mirror. Take a good hard look.
But I understand that you are clearly upset in being exposed as an ignoramus, so you have to call me a troll. So...if I am a troll, then what are you?
Talk so much shit for fuck. You're a TROLL and that's it, what shit about looking into mirror, just look at your lame arguments. They've no leg to stand on, fakie....
Which of my arguments are lame and have no legs to stand on? Are you referring to those that exposed your abysmal ignorance about Christianity?
You did not even read what you plagiarised. Copy blindly har? Let me quote the parts you obviously did not read, bold for you. I accept your gratitude for dispelling your ignorance again.
"Should a Christian be circumcised, then? Absolutely - and in fact, if you are uncircumcised you are lost and will suffer eternally. But this circumcision is a spiritual act, performed by the "hands of the Messiah" and received through an act of faith in His love. Indeed, in the coming Messianic kingdom, Isaiah foretold the time when only circumcised people would be allowed to enter the new city of Zion (Isa. 52:1-2). This is a picture of our future estate with Yeshua as Mashiach ben David.
But if the question is whether a Christian should be circumcised in the physical sense, as a Rabbinical rite that is intended to symbolize inclusion into Israel (i.e., "conversion" to Judaism), the answer is a resounding "No!" If you have trusted in Yeshua as your Savior you have no need for any further conversion. You are already "grafted in" to the Olive Tree of Israel (Rom. 11:17). Circumcision was not required of the first converts to the way of Yeshua (cf. Acts 15:1-21; Gal 5:2-4). For Jewish believers in the Mashiach who have already been circumcised, there is no need to become "uncircumcised," but the Brit Chadashah is emphatic that circumcision as a Rabbinical ritual to effect inclusion into Israel is worthless."
Trolling again? LOL. A fakie Christian should know your place....which is in a tight corner. You're lame, jackass.
Don’t contradict my view, circumcision is absolute yes for Christian! Quoting a reference to a website is also plagiarism! You stupidity is astounding! When I invoke your mother’s name, I believe you call it plagiarism too
After a few days of examing at my English for loophole, you thought you have caught a fat one? Fat hope! Anyway, this is a very substantiate post as compared to the rest of your junkie posts
Protestant Christianity is plagiarised from Catholic Christianity![]()
So what kind of circumcision MUST a Christian go through? Must physically cut foreskin or not? Clue: Answer is in the article you posted which I have put in bold. See how I have to spoon feed you until like that? Abysmally ignorant and incompetent.
Thank-you, thick skin hypocrite... remember to honour your words and don't stop spoon feeding:p. Do you know why Pauline epistles contradicted God's commands on circumcision so badly?
But you are the one cornered, grilled and gorenged, not me. Do a reality check please.
Deny deny.....exposed oredi still so thick-skin.......shameless fakie Christian.
I don't deny that I have exposed your abysmal ignorance about Christianity.
Yes, God commanded circumcision, but for the Jews. Not for Christians.
Sure anot? Your another post contradict each other![]()
You're denying EVERYTHING, as what a fakie Christian does best, not showing facts and relying on heresy and your asshole to decide on what to believe. LOL Also, you're totally pwned here, jackass.
No I don't deny everything. How can I be totally pwned when you are being cornered, grilled and gorenged until fuming mad with expletives?
So you're sensitive to expletives? LOL, very good.
KNNBCCB!!! Go fuck spiders lah, TROLL!!!!
Now go back to your ignoramus corner and suck your thumb, fakie!!!!
Expert in expletives but utter failure in being a Bible critic.
I'm an expert?
Can't be as expert as you in telling bullshit bible stories which you do not know, fakie Christian.