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When BRICS Takes Off SG is Fucked!


Sinkies are dumb for the 60%,lol,they happy when all.rise esp.properties,lol,wat the fuck they Don know is 80 to 90 % hv only 1 property,cb they sell high also buy high ,even jinx say take it as advance rent but wat they Don know is as property get old it's worth lesser ,lol,n worse is its a pigeon hole,n many just sell.n buy to renew lease bit wat they Don know is ,it is worthless in the end ,how many times can they roll,sinkies are dumb ,


Sinkies are dumb for the 60%,lol,they happy when all.rise esp.properties,lol,wat the fuck they Don know is 80 to 90 % hv only 1 property,cb they sell high also buy high ,even jinx say take it as advance rent but wat they Don know is as property get old it's worth lesser ,lol,n worse is its a pigeon hole,n many just sell.n buy to renew lease bit wat they Don know is ,it is worthless in the end ,how many times can they roll,sinkies are dumb ,
more like not educated in personal finance and property management and situation assessment.

They only believe what the govt tells them and are programmed since young from school to listen and accept whatever govt tells them.


They will buy gold in
They will buy gold instead of USD.
Buying gold is one thing .
But u must be able to assign a value to your gold. How do you benchmark your gold with ? How accurate is your benchmarking ? How will you benchmark ??

Rmb , Russia rouble, India rupee or you want to use USD benchmarking ??
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Buying gold is one thing .
But u must be able to assign a value to your gold. How do you benchmark your gold with ? How accurate is your benchmarking ? How will you benchmark ??

Rmb , Russia rouble, India rupee or you want to use USD benchmarking ??
They will use the national currency benchmark.
Whole idea is to avoid USD yet still able to lock in your riches

syed putra

Russian economy bigger than Kraut? Wow miracles do happen
Based on PPP


syed putra

ccp tightens cny supply leading to drop in trading of cny. ccp sells usd tiong shitizens buy. lol.


Yuan Flirts With Daily Trading Limit, Testing China’s Red Line​

  • Onshore currency falls to trade 1.9% weaker than PBOC fixing
  • Worsening credit risks, an advance in dollar hurt yuan
Tiongs are fickle minded. That was why barbarians found it easy to overcome them. And Chinese girls like anything non Chinese.


They will use the national currency benchmark.
Whole idea is to avoid USD yet still able to lock in your riches
Unless rmb can be traded freely internationally. Then rmb can have one of the many conditions to fulfill the destiny to become the World's premier currency. Only then, government and country can be assured that RMB is somehow ready to be a replacement currency for USD. Then others will actually push rmb to become the standard currency to price all commodities.

China needs to learn to accept that others are looking for ways to improve. Not to degenerate into something even worse. Show the world that China is ready to become the world's leader. Perhaps show other nation by following China, they can lead to become better. China must propose a vision so that others will want to follow.

You don't go around threatening war and intimidating your neighbour and threaten the world with your ethics. Create value and others will follow willingly.


Once they receive the money in rmb, they will actually exchange the money into USD again. What's there for China ?
u must be from the establishment. USD is backed by fake fiat currency, that is set up for corruption and destruction. The BRICS are way pass this bullshit. Backed by something of true value like gold and you have honesty running the currency.

syed putra

Unless rmb can be traded freely internationally. Then rmb can have one of the many conditions to fulfill the destiny to become the World's premier currency. Only then, government and country can be assured that RMB is somehow ready to be a replacement currency for USD. Then others will actually push rmb to become the standard currency to price all commodities.

China needs to learn to accept that others are looking for ways to improve. Not to degenerate into something even worse. Show the world that China is ready to become the world's leader. Perhaps show other nation by following China, they can lead to become better. China must propose a vision so that others will want to follow.

You don't go around threatening war and intimidating your neighbour and threaten the world with your ethics. Create value and others will follow willingly.
Next global currency cannot be dominated by just one country.


for every ounce of existing physical gold, 150-200 ounces of fake paper gold are traded in the comex and lbma, the biggest gold exchanges in the west, thats how the Fed manipulate the price of gold to make the USD look strong.......
BRICs is real but they will have their problems like the Euro when it was first introduced, rich nations subsidising the poor nations.
US national debt is $33,000,000,000,000.....at 5% treasury yield...go figure, only a major war will save their financial ass, especially now major energy producers like saudi and russian will sell their oil in other currencies. longterm the USD is fucked...but the 'free market' exchanges says the USD is very strong.....
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in paper and known to the world, the debt is US$33T but at this value, the US is still looking for more debt of about US$50T by 2030 they have every tool and system order to be able to manage it
in fact in the recent high rate increase many Treasury Bondholders are selling prematurely(needs hard money) causing them huge losses, remember how SVB and few others can go bankrupt because of holding these large amt of the bonds
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why would sg be fucked?

all the more sg will do well because all these countries need a place to park all their money. Especially those who make gains in SEA will automatically divert all their money into sg as a safe haven. for example, how many thais, indonesians and malaysians put their money in sg financial sector?
When BRICS comes up with their own swift, many ways to fuck SG up regardless.


How to take off when China and India are not on friendly terms? :unsure:

Anyway Sinkieland is already fucked, for a variety of reasons. No need for BRICS. :biggrin:
Dun say like that, 70.4% agreed that SG is in 万福金安mode


They will buy gold in
They will buy gold instead of USD.
No lah... Bro, u mis estimate the power of huat big big de... USD give u interest rate mah..

Of course , many ignored the huat big big impact associated with $$$ generated with money created tru intesest rate die to personal greed