So you are saying singaporean is much better than Thais in terms of having a life? I wonder why i keep seeing posts ( from Singaporeans) that honored the sinkies while trashing the thais. Singaporeans are always one up than Thais?
Is that the real reason or the actual fact that i see those sinkies behave like an ass in Bangkok? Just because the sinkies thinks that they are such "advanced" people and with such "advanced" background, they look down on the Thais?
I can only say that in life you want respect, you got to earn it. I don't see people trashing the Thais, but how this thread started off was using the Thais to thrash Singaporeans or in your case Sinkees. You say singaporeans as sinkees, how about if I don't call the thai people as thais but Tais(hokkien means blur)
In Thailand, everything is nice except Politics. That is a well known fact and even the Thais agree with that. Their politics sucks and yes, they admit it.
Can sinkie do that? I really wonder.
You got to enlighten everyone here then which country has the best politics. But its the truth, their politics sucks. I stayed there 2 years straight. So I know how their country works. Is Thailand's grass greener than Singapore? With the current situation, if it is, tomorrow's sun will rise from the west.
Talk about trouble, i call that risking. Sinkies are afraid of risk even to the extend of seeing a PRC boy urinating in the Mrt and no ones dare to go up to him and lecture him. A foreigner polluting their own country transport facilities and no local are loyal enough to go up and do something? Or maybe the urine is poisonous, need to have an expert to clear it as the expert always follow the proper operating procedure to clear pollutants.
Do you take the BTS or the MTR or even stayed in thai populated areas in Thailand? I didn't saw foreigners pissing, but I saw Khon Thais pissing at the BTS station, not the toilets, sleeping dead drunk on the slabs, pissing at backlanes. Maybe I should go up and tell him off, would you do that, when you see that you are outnumbered and in a land of Khon Thais. I thought the Thais are very nationalistic, and they should not be pissing anywhere they like.
Talk with facts and not digging bones from eggs.
Thai are artistic people that is why being mechanical is very strange to them. Mechanical to me is more like Ironman than any other things.
The Thai chinese are smart people too and there are many who are much richer than singaporeans. They do not need the govt to tell them what to do in order to have a life and they knew exactly what sort of life they want and go for that. Frankly speaking, i do not think Singaporeans are smart. Smart people do not follow procedure to the core in every situation and do not need to listen to the gov to tell them how to run their life. Only a robot behave like that and that is how Ironman comes in.
Define artistic and mechanical. Well, they have a vibrant ad industry, fashion industry, cross dressing industry. I am not sure which defining sense you are talking about here.
Is being a bus driver or being a cashier considered mechanical? Because I see them having a routine job. I don't deem these people as mechanical. But I don't see you explaning how mechanical is mechanical. You got to define how mechanical is mechanical before you get my next reply on this.
You mean listening to the government means not smart? I guess that those who hold demonstrations and rallies in Thailand trying to overthrow the government are really SMART people. But wait a minute, I thought earlier you just said the politics sucks. Thailand have close to 70 million people. Don't tell me they got no SMART people who runs politics. They should have, you know. I can only say, I can't see any smartness judging from their daily demostration and anti government displays which are hurting the whole economy already laden with worldwide inflation. It's not what you think but how the world perceives. One person view from you can't change any perspective, but its how the situation has proven.
It is great that you have many thai frens whom i do hope they can tell you the truth right in front of your face about Singaporeans since you are one yourself.
If the truth they tell me is not like what you said, I am sure you would have come up with another reason that they are being diplomatic. The truth may not be what you are thinking in your heart, so whatever others say will not be the truth to you. But if someone's answer comes along and it fits what you had in mind, you will come tell us that is the truth.
So what's the point of us continuing to talk over this topic? Pointless I feel. Maybe you should just let the sinkees SINK SINK SINK.
When a situation occurs, do you ENLARGE the situation or SOLVE the situation? Hope that the direction of your views is not to ENLARGE it but instead trying to SOLVE it, which until now, I only see complains and no intent to solving it but just to enlarge it further. Maybe I am wrong from what you see, but I think is not what you perceive but how the others perceive what you write as well.