You will be surprised, it is not the local-born.
New citizens are usually the ones stirring shit as the bullies or playing the victim-card.
New citizens are usually the ones stirring shit as the bullies or playing the victim-card.
- Malaysian-born Chinese in Singapore looks down on Indians and especially Malays. These people are damn arrogant after naturalized and they can speak and hurl insults at our local Malay community in Malay language. They are the ones who asked our local malays not to wear their headdress at workplace.
- China-born Chinese are very suck-up; they can't stand being next to other races in cinemas, restaurants or workplace. With China being a new superpower, these new immigrants are so cocky and bring along their demeaning culture, encroaching into the privacy and spaces of others.
- Last but not least, India-born Indians are so racist that they even look down on Indians in Singapore because these new citizens tend to be higher educated, well-off and need not serve NS. It also got to do with the chaste system in India, these Indian new citizens don't mingle with our local Indian community.