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What kind of microwave is good


I do not use microwave to cook food as it is very unhealthy to eat it. i read a number of articles to know the harm of microwave food.

But i love to have an induction cooking tool. I can just do cooking in my room rather than going to the kitchen. Can try it out to see how it goes.


I do not use microwave to cook food as it is very unhealthy to eat it. i read a number of articles to know the harm of microwave food.

But i love to have an induction cooking tool. I can just do cooking in my room rather than going to the kitchen. Can try it out to see how it goes.
The induction cooker is a fraction of the price of an induction hob. You can cook at your balcony.


I do not use microwave to cook food as it is very unhealthy to eat it. i read a number of articles to know the harm of microwave food.

But i love to have an induction cooking tool. I can just do cooking in my room rather than going to the kitchen. Can try it out to see how it goes.
Learning how to survive is the key.
They have contaminated your air, food and water.
Which one is healthy?