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What is your favorite sex position?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Whatever she prefers to bring her to orgasm. Most like missionary because it stimulates the clit. Some like spooning/doggy because it goes deeper.


Old Fart
I love doggy style, especially when she has a great butt. Plus it keeps my hands busy, and what a great view too!:inlove::biggrin:

I believe @laksaboy loves it too. But it's kind of different from mine.:wink:



Now uncle waitifuck into 2 penis sex. She blowjob my dick and I insert my 2nd penis into her cunt, vibrator included...

When she sucks the suctions is like a pump station are better than her non suction cunt. So push the rubber one into her..

She cam choose 七哥 六哥 或 五哥 or my original...
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Tantric Sex
Tantra is different from western ideas about sex. The western concept of sex is like a story with a clear beginning (sexual excitement), middle (penetration), and end (orgasm).
This is the way it’s supposed to be and if you don’t follow the story, something is wrong. Sex without penetration is often viewed as being 'not real' or 'merely' foreplay.

In Tantric sex the point of sex is not orgasm, the point is to feel. There is no clear cut beginning, middle, or end. Tantric sex involve slowing things down, trying not to focus on our external body, or orgasm, or anything outside of our experience of the moment.
Without a focus on orgasm, the goal becomes increased awareness leading to greater understanding of ourselves, which eventually leads to enlightenment.

There is no pressure to "get over the top". This doesn't mean that orgasm doesn't exist in Tantra, it just isn't the be all and end all. The adept practitioner can eventually experience very intensive full body internal Orgasm that can last very long, long long...........

The spiritual practice and the good sexual feelings are inter-related, each leading back to, and improving the other. What Tantric sex "looks like" might looks different for different people. Tantra is taught by many teachers around the world, who have their own take on it, influenced by the cultures they grew up in. Certainly a key feature of Tantric sex is the Importance of breathing, and slowing down sexual behavior compared to the hectic, orgasm-focused North American approach.


That's the same principle I have.

Don't hv to cum. Pull back and hold the sex气 . This sex气 get u sexcited all day and u can smell any woman in heat when she pass near you.

Her nice skin texture, beautiful hair smell, the type of body lotion, hair wash liquid she used, u can appreciate her. She flirts at u u will know she is in heat for production...

Tantric sex.... ahhhh...

View attachment 101316

Tantric Sex
Tantra is different from western ideas about sex. The western concept of sex is like a story with a clear beginning (sexual excitement), middle (penetration), and end (orgasm).
This is the way it’s supposed to be and if you don’t follow the story, something is wrong. Sex without penetration is often viewed as being 'not real' or 'merely' foreplay.

In Tantric sex the point of sex is not orgasm, the point is to feel. There is no clear cut beginning, middle, or end. Tantric sex involve slowing things down, trying not to focus on our external body, or orgasm, or anything outside of our experience of the moment.
Without a focus on orgasm, the goal becomes increased awareness leading to greater understanding of ourselves, which eventually leads to enlightenment.

There is no pressure to "get over the top". This doesn't mean that orgasm doesn't exist in Tantra, it just isn't the be all and end all. The adept practitioner can eventually experience very intensive full body internal Orgasm that can last very long, long long...........

The spiritual practice and the good sexual feelings are inter-related, each leading back to, and improving the other. What Tantric sex "looks like" might looks different for different people. Tantra is taught by many teachers around the world, who have their own take on it, influenced by the cultures they grew up in. Certainly a key feature of Tantric sex is the Importance of breathing, and slowing down sexual behavior compared to the hectic, orgasm-focused North American approach.

syed putra

Anyway, men does not have to vome when having sex. Let the women come and then stop. It will drive them crazy as the dick is still stiff.


I love doggy style, especially when she has a great butt. Plus it keeps my hands busy, and what a great view too!:inlove::biggrin:

I believe @laksaboy loves it too. But it's kind of different from mine.:wink:


This is LHL's favourite position. Whoever's behind doesn't matter, sometimes it's his bodyguard, sometimes Ah Ho.