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whore takes money for having sex
slut do it for free
slut do it for free
So clever exposed LIAR Cantonese ADULTERER dog prostitute descendant starting chicken rice and slut threads to harass me with your Ccb Cantonese dog son of chicken slut pride to win liao Pui!whore takes money for having sex
slut do it for free
add together = fake virginthen what's the difference between slut, whore and mistress?
處女貞節錦上花then what's the difference between slut, whore and mistress?
Tsk tsk another exposed cancer LIAR Cantonese CRIMINAL BULLY dog prostitute descendant self admit to be criminal bully but zero repentance one hiding in disguise - dare not put my personal data anymore after exposed by me - but so clever use mayfair to allude and insult spamming lies 无中生有to win.處女貞節錦上花
Fake accusing me fake as usualadd together = fake virgin
Look at you insulting me chicken everywhere with your cancer Cantonese dog prostitute descendant 无中生有pride老处女淫鸡!
Look at you everyone knows you are insulting me chicken everywhere with your cancer Cantonese dog prostitute descendant 无中生有pride老母鸡
whore takes money for having sex
slut do it for free
It's your SIMPLISTIC view, perhaps shared by many.
Without women, NONE of us would be alive today. Thus do have respect for women.
Prostitution is one of the oldest profession since Civilization began, to serve a biological need of males - sex, or else if no official outlet, MANY more other innocent women would be at risk. Sadly, it is built in to male DNA, & till we Humanity are able to find the right gene to turn off such sexual desires, then womenfolk need not fear, BUT also at the same time, it may mean extinction, as sex was meant as means for procreation, for the furtherance of Humankind.....
Women, like men, DO have sexual needs. It's only a matter of how to control such needs upon BOTH males & females - that only the WILLING should be allowed to perform such tasks, and NOT, EVER, be FORCED upon such acts.
Thus Humanity's attempts at stopping Human trafficking for sexual needs, as well as the con attempts to make innocent women perform such needs.
For women whom are willing to do such acts, upon handsome youths or big bellied stinking ugly men, it takes sacrifices of their properly made up mindsets of love & sharing of bodies with the ones that they should only love, often based upon needs, due to economic situations back home.
Thus, do respect them, for their sacrifices. They are fellow Humans too, with hopes & dreams for a better future....but never, ever to fall into 'Kan Ching' traps. Such liaisons are only PURE fantasies for the male. The minute the sexual gratification is obtained, she awaits another, with only similar performance,, for her own economic needs.
For women whom have high sexual expectations, which is only natural, they would share their bodies freely, BUT only upon those whom she chooses, often based upon looks, affection, connectiveness or wealth.
She TOO is only a fellow Human & have sexual needs if not for economic reasons, & mostly would presumed that that the one she chose would be honest & faithful to her for the long journey of life, but sadly, such vulnerabilities by her are taken advantage by unscrupulous males in our male dominated World, where should one be of means, would find many more syts.
She would stand up after each failure, like most courageous Humans, to find another, & another until she find ones whom shares her ideal, for life....
Ultimately, as said before - without women, there would be no men. Thus, treat her with respect. She is only one of us - a fellow Human...
It takes two to clap, & relationships for life are built upon such. Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.
Relationships are never easy as no 2 Human to think alike. It takes time to build up trust, thru daily communications of needs & wants, to discuss, find solutions to progress & to know each other better.
'Whore' or supposed 'Sluts' - they are only our fellow Humans, born of flesh & with every aspirations & ideals Humanity of both genders seek for....
Tsk tsk tsk you evil cancer 畜生Cantonese dog prostitute descendant don’t know how shameless you are to self admit bullying old weak and vulnerable people is called entertainment to you. No kindness no morals animals indeed. No wonder your own kind so proud to sell nude sell cb to buy Porsche hahahahaOh please! Spare us such cheem philosophical whore vs slut dichotomy. Virgin slut bashing has become a form of entertainment and comic relief for most of us here. We are dealing with a crazy delusional entity here, who's totally devoid of reasoning and logic.
And of course 无中生有insult me slut whore and then I insult him back is called I am mad and not he is evil. That’s why such bastard that think they can get away with abusing and raping other people precious daughter and called their victim mad and slut etc should have their family women gangraped and that’s called Justice.Tsk tsk tsk you evil cancer 畜生Cantonese dog prostitute descendant don’t know how shameless you are to self admit bullying old weak and vulnerable people is called entertainment to you. No kindness no morals animals indeed. No wonder your own kind so proud to sell nude sell cb to buy Porsche hahahaha
No wonder no philanthropist hahahahaaTsk tsk tsk you evil cancer 畜生Cantonese dog prostitute descendant don’t know how shameless you are to self admit bullying old weak and vulnerable people is called entertainment to you. No kindness no morals animals indeed. No wonder your own kind so proud to sell nude sell cb to buy Porsche hahahaha