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What is Tan Chuan Jin doing now?


Many many mangoes go around him....sibeh shiok.


Alfrescian (Inf)
What is Miss Cheng doing now? Who is she getting fucked by this time?

From making Tampines the best home, to making her CB the best home for ten penises.



Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
What is Miss Cheng doing now? Who is she getting fucked by this time?

From making Tampines the best home, to making her CB the best home for ten penises.

Don't worry about that. She is not getting fucked by u. Only elite paper genitals from the SAF and other elites in the PAP can fuck her cheebye


I won't feel ashame at all if I were him. In fact I will feel proud that I can squeeze big neh neh. Is an achievement that not every Mp can achieve.
So long I have enough money I will continue to squeeze neh neh.