Chiam give us hope by his never die altitude when faced with 80 PAP members in parliament, PAP MPs who are fairly hostile in the house. He never give up Potong Pasir and the trust given by the residents there. He continues his role as a opposition member of parliament, probing and raising questions for ministers to answer and providing a check and balance system in parliament in a limited way.
I saluate Mr Chiam and also the residents of potong pasir ( and also hougang )for giving us the light that one day opposition members will be voted into parliament in large numbers where other residents are chicken out and are contented with upgrading of their flats.
I wish Mr Chiam could retire from active politices and spent the rest of his life with his wife and live a quiet life but I am sure his is silly enough to stay on, it is a heavy responsibility to soldier on for the Potong pasir residents who support him through thick and thin. It is a hard decision and I wish that a younger and capable chap takes over his consituent, pls, not a PAP hopeful at least and soon.