Israel romance with the wider World ended in 1982 with the saturation bombing of Beirut during its siege of the city and the refusal of the youngest Colonel in the IDF and commander of the lead Armoured Regiment to attack the city as he saw kids thru his binoculars. He repeatedly refused Ariel Sharon and PM Menachim Begin orders on moral grounds. The massacre of Shatila and Sabra refugee campaigns sealed their fate.
The overwhelming Jerusalem vote against and with 7 votes from unheard countries confirms it. 25 years later nothing has changed.
They are master of battle front tactics but poor strategist of the end game.
The overwhelming Jerusalem vote against and with 7 votes from unheard countries confirms it. 25 years later nothing has changed.
They are master of battle front tactics but poor strategist of the end game.
Hopless case. Head or tail Israel still get her way/trophy.