In anglo-saxon culture, Jesus was protrayed as being a blond hair sharp featured caucasian man. However, scientists and antropologists now has proofs that Jesus looks like what he is, a man from the middle east countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria,Libya,Iraq and Qatar with dark features and burly beard. In the clip earlier, the feature of Jesus looks very similar to the late Al Oaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.
I met a sweet young HK chinese girl few months back who keep saying how she loves Jesus. When i show her a BBC clip of Jesus, she suddenly seems shock and taken aback. She doesn't know that Jesus looks like the ppl on HK TV news of revolts and bombings in the Middle East. She also dislike dark skin men. She thought her Jesus was a good looking ang mo like Brat pitt.
In fact she said instead, her church told her Buddha looks like those very dark skinned , curly hair Indian money changers in Kowloon and ask her to used this to dissuade her Buddhist grandparents to convert to christianity. When I explain to her that that Buddha come from Nepal and from a Skaya tribe and is not a dravidian, she couldn't differentiate between dark skin Dravidian and Mongoliod as both was from India. I show her a picture of the young Bhutanese king then she finally understood.
I guess many east asian eg chinese, koreans do not really know much about the history and culture of christianity. I think faith alone brings them to the religion without much understanding and questionings. Many of the bible stories are of a very different culture from the east asian cultures and sometimes it is puzzling why the east asian religions, cultures are considered pagan when non-christian Asians see the biblical teachings tolerantly.
I have came across so many people who once becomes a christians started to condemn his earlier own culture in the most denigrating ways.I'm not sure whether christianity was influenced by western colonialism or cultural supremacy or other reason that make its believers hate their own cultures so much. It's like suddenly they are trying to mimick the Middle eastern way (quoting bibical figures, espisodes, way of lives, beliefs,traditions) while condemning the chinese rituals such as offerings, certain rituals,historical and religious chinese like Monkey God, Guanggong etc). Converting to Christianity is a conversion of not only religion but a whole set of ideas, culture and identity.
This is sad.