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Wei Ling spirit will haunt HsienLoong and HoChing and make them suffer....


My late father was not educated. When my nephew was 10 years old, my late mother made him kneel down before my father's altar and said: "Ask Ah Gong to bless you so that you may excel in your studies."

After my nephew got up, I whispered to him: "Do you know you are better educated than your Ah Gong? Ah Gong spoke zero English when he was alive. So you think Ah Gong can help you with your English examinations?"



My late father was not educated. When my nephew was 10 years old, my late mother made him kneel down before my father's altar and said: "Ask Ah Gong to bless you so that you may excel in your studies."

After my nephew got up, I whispered to him: "Do you know you are better educated than your Ah Gong? Ah Gong spoke zero English when he was alive. So you think Ah Gong can help you with your English examinations?"

May I know if your late father is good at Chinese 文言文