What's wrong with 7 or 8 million Singaporeans in the Republic Of Singapore? It will make this place ROCK LIKE HELL!!!
1. Your ancestors are immigrants.Why deprive others of this chance to come to this golden mine to prosper?
2. Immigrants is good for the economy. The more the better.The economy will boomz!!! Otherwise the malls will be empty.
3. Singaporeans are in fact a country of immigrants.So what is the big angst over more mass immigration ? The more the merrier!!!
4. Immigrants do work many Singaporeans do not wish to even touch or smell.We need foreign workers badly.
5. Mass immigration is good for a racial mix. Only those opponents are racially inclined. Singapore is now multi-national.
6. Singapore is built by our ancestors and immigrants without them, we will still be a big swampland and barren ground.
7. Immigrants like all of us want a better life for themselves and for their loved ones.Why are we being so selfish and myopic?
8. Immigration adds diversity and spice up our lives with different cultures,different faces and different colourful people .
9. The more people we have, the more our economy will grow and the more prosperous we will be. Why curb immigration?
10. Although we are small, we can still use many areas for the intake of more immigrants. We have enough space!!!
Old Uncle welcome 10 million people in Singapore. This will make Singapore the bustling HUB OF ASIA, THE NEW YORK OF ASIA AND THE MONACO OF ASIA....MAJULAH SINGAPURA!!!