Well, if they do that:
1. A lot more Singaporeans will migrate.
2. The rich-poor gap will only get worse. There's only so much water that can be squeezed out of stones.
3. There will be a lot of ill-will, and could possibly last till 2011. If there's a huge drop in the votes for the PAP, they're in real trouble. And if so, that would raise questions on their judgment, and foresight.
4. Its as if that a PM who's now paid S$2m per year, and a President, who's getting S$3m, and ministers getting up to half a million ain't enough. Their responsibilities and resumes are so far below their international counterparts and yet they are paid many times over their counterparts overseas. If FEER was originally the first one who raised the issue of the ridiculous amount of the wages, with an increase, I would bet more foreign magazines will start publishing, even at the risk of being suspended. By that time, the PAP may have no idea who to sue first, and where to sue.
Why you so up-tight one ?? Relax lah !! You so focussed, why not run for election??
No confidence or your cock too small?? * Yawwwnnn"