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wah nabay, what happen to Michelle Chia ??


From 8 Days in 2018:

Any plans to settle down again?

I’d call [the relationship] I’m in now ‘settled down’. I don’t need any other way to ‘settle down’, if you’re referring to getting married. At this stage in my life, I feel it’s really not necessary. I think it’s just an age thing, you know. I’ve experienced things in life. And I’m at that age where I no longer think like, ‘Oh, I want to get married and have kids.’ [My boyfriend and I] already feel very ‘settled down’. We’re very happy with where we are right now.


no need to have kids.
Just be together and have regular sex.
I think it is more practical this way.


compare her to other mediacock aunties, ex-aunties in her era... she anytime can beat them legs up, hands up lah!... you guys can't touch, can't eat... are just sour grapes..:geek:

Protector Cromwell

Too much hard core bonking and vigorous wild riding of sugar daddy cocks could exerted her to such an extent that makes her looks like this. Anyway, the wideness of her mouth shows that she can still take on more big bananas.