<TABLE id=post53746618 class="tborder post" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead>http://www.fuckwarezone.com.sg/img/forums/hwz/statusicon/post_old.gif;pv76120d0627b0cc9f 09-03-2011, 07:08 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead align=right> #1 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>
p00954<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_53746618", true); </SCRIPT>
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 321
</TD><TD id=td_post_53746618 class=alt1><!-- icon and title -->http://forums.fuckwarezone.com.sg/images/icons/icon7.gif;pv52e759c1566d2765 Vote Against Foreigners
<HR SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I have seen enough of their foreigners’ policy.
Intake of foreigners is not a recent policy. If you examine the population data from SingStat, foreigners were already coming in at about average of 10-15% growth per year from the 1980s.
The only reason you start to feel surrounded by foreigners in 2006-2011 is because this “growth” in foreigners has gone unabated since 1980 and has reached such a high population base that you effectively get more surrounded by foreigners.
Even if future foreign population growth rates are kept at ZERO, Singaporeans will find themselves get even more surrounded because Singaporeans are not reproducing. And their poor record of increasing TFR over the decades will not give anyone hopes.
I don’t know how many years you need to get past the spin out there on “productivity and inclusive growth” (after the fact), but they have already promised 6.5 million. In case everyone forgets, at 3.5 million back then, they had promised a 4.5 million population.
And oh yeah, it's the same government that talks about producitivty (TALK, PLAN) and import those foreigners at the same time (ACTION, RESULT). There's an article in KJ's blog on how Singapore's productivity has fallen much behind most other comparable countries over the recent 2000-2010.
It's supported by MAS article that most of growth acheieved in 2000-2010 was due to higher input of labor and hours worked.
A good government does not need to wait till a few months before elections to try to reverse a clear 10 year decline in trend.
<!-- / message --><!-- edit note --><HR SIZE=1>Last edited by p00954 : 09-03-2011 at 07:13 PM.
p00954<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_53746618", true); </SCRIPT>
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 321
</TD><TD id=td_post_53746618 class=alt1><!-- icon and title -->http://forums.fuckwarezone.com.sg/images/icons/icon7.gif;pv52e759c1566d2765 Vote Against Foreigners
<HR SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I have seen enough of their foreigners’ policy.
Intake of foreigners is not a recent policy. If you examine the population data from SingStat, foreigners were already coming in at about average of 10-15% growth per year from the 1980s.
The only reason you start to feel surrounded by foreigners in 2006-2011 is because this “growth” in foreigners has gone unabated since 1980 and has reached such a high population base that you effectively get more surrounded by foreigners.
Even if future foreign population growth rates are kept at ZERO, Singaporeans will find themselves get even more surrounded because Singaporeans are not reproducing. And their poor record of increasing TFR over the decades will not give anyone hopes.
I don’t know how many years you need to get past the spin out there on “productivity and inclusive growth” (after the fact), but they have already promised 6.5 million. In case everyone forgets, at 3.5 million back then, they had promised a 4.5 million population.
And oh yeah, it's the same government that talks about producitivty (TALK, PLAN) and import those foreigners at the same time (ACTION, RESULT). There's an article in KJ's blog on how Singapore's productivity has fallen much behind most other comparable countries over the recent 2000-2010.
It's supported by MAS article that most of growth acheieved in 2000-2010 was due to higher input of labor and hours worked.
A good government does not need to wait till a few months before elections to try to reverse a clear 10 year decline in trend.
<!-- / message --><!-- edit note --><HR SIZE=1>Last edited by p00954 : 09-03-2011 at 07:13 PM.