China is axis of evil. Of course they will be fangurling IranWhat's China's stance on Gaza recently? MFA clowns, past and present, tend to echo whatever the CCP fancies in such things.
You can't replace low IQ with education at all. This has shown.We have muuds who are willing to volunteer to be hamas hostages. They are all fellow moslems after all.
Malays have our target set on PAP amd its illegal occupiers. Palestine not our problem.We have muuds who are willing to volunteer to be hamas hostages. They are all fellow moslems after all.
China wants a two state solution resolved.What's China's stance on Gaza recently? MFA clowns, past and present, tend to echo whatever the CCP fancies in such things.
Nobody created more havoc on the planet than the US.China is axis of evil. Of course they will be fangurling Iran
Change US to MuslimNobody created more havoc on the planet than the US.
Vivian itching to send our commandos in to kill some hamas terrorists ?
They can't! They have to protect the Ridout Road to prevent any terrorismVivian and SnakeSham can volunteer to go there and become hostages.
They don't respect our Foreign Minister at all, VivianWe fly two birds and millions of cargo to Jordan and they send some third fourth level ministers to welcome Vivian. Shows how Jordan view our gesture. We are sure to bring a mutt along to complete the PR charade.
Pretty sure it’s to sextisfy those mutts back home. Trust they can fast better.