Apparently you're prone to cognitive dissonance.
Putin's winning. Get over it. You're wrong from day one.
1. What had PrezPutin won?
a)3 yrs into the invasion of another sovereign State that his predecessors had a treaty to honor UKR sovereignty & yet he broke it.
b)3 yrs into the invasion yet he had difficulties in his land grab, & could not even defend Crimea from attacks.
c)3 yrs into the invasion & he saw how the supposed mighty USSR crumbled in military might, economy, & even had to resort to conscripted youths from allies but only sent to warfronts to face death by RUS Generals to protect its own depleting youths? And more.....
2. What had PrezZelensky won?
a) He may had been a courageous charismatic figure whom had led & rallied troops, but yet after 3yrs, UKR did not fully managed to evict RUS troops out of UKR.
b) If not for USA taxpayers funding in Billion$, & even building up its once non-existence UKR Air Force, with even F-16s & training provided by USA, let alone other war munitions, UKR would long had been a RUS territory.
c) Thus, who is HE to demand a seat on the table for Negotiated Peace? Who is the Boss?
3. PrezTrump, as the new President of USA, figuratively & rightly banged his fist on the table & exclaimed - Enough is ENOUGH !
a) After 3yrs of war, it became a stalemate. It could have continued for another 3 yrs & see RUS destroyed, but is destroying RUS worth it? The consequences would be that RUS would be fragmented, with different Warlords in control & worse - with nukes & arms.
b) Billions of US taxpayers dollars had been spent, which could had been used to better American lives thru social expenditures - healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc, & financial aid to needy countries to survive, but had been spent on this senseless UKR war that achieved NOTHING.
What needs to proven to all parties HAD long been PROVEN, sadly by the many, so many brave youths from ALL sides, whom died for nothing, enshrined on their tombstones....
It is time to end this senseless war, for a NEGOTIATED PEACE, to save the many more alive....on ALL sides...