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[Video] - Would you like this chiobu as your wife?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Nice but people use guns which requires only few minutes of training.

It's useless for you even if you've a chiobu good with guns, because here in Sg (where you are, a proudly self-declared non-muslim malay), no one (not even islamic terrorists) can get a gun.


syed putra

It's useless for you even if you've a chiobu good with guns, because here in Sg (where you are, a proudly self-declared non-muslim malay), no one (not even islamic terrorists) can get a gun.

Cars, buses, trucks can be used as weapons. Imagine driving that into a school. That will really get the population amok seeking vengeance. PAP better cancel driving license of Malay drivers.