It is a RARE admission by Dictator Prez Putin that he, along with EVERY resources that he controls - population, military, security, economics, etc, etc, that he along with such resources are NO match to NATO.
The question thus begs - SO WHY CONFLICT & WAR, that would NOT only destroy NATO - billions of Humans, as well as RUS - home to milllions innocent?
Ultimately, WE are Humans 1st before differences set us apart such as skin color, genders, religion, political views, etc, etc. whom HAD been doing each best to put food on the tables for loved ones, providing revenues to COLLECTIVE effort treasury to uplift lives of loved ones & others.
Are there NO other ways to find compromises for a win- win solution for all & Humans to live upright than on knees to tyranny - which are often at the DELUDED ambitions of a MORTAL tyrant whom will readily destroy ALL Humankind for his own delusions of granduer?
Are we 7 Billion Humankind to roll over, play dead, live on knees & let the selfish ambitions of the insane to destroy ALL Humanity - our loved ones, friends & families?