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[Video] - Palestinians thought German chiobu visiting Israel was an Israeli, so stripped and paraded her corpse as "naked female Israeli soldier"

syed putra

Not even Alexander.
But Alexander started the ball rolling as he conquered the known civlisation at that time. Which as persia and egypt. Remnants of his contest still survived till this day in Afghanistan.
When he died in egypt, his generals took ove parts of the Empire so that was how Greek Became the official language of the region.
And when ceasar married an Egyptian Queen cleopatra, she was actually Greek.


Not even Alexander.

But Alexander started the ball rolling as he conquered the known civlisation at that time. Which as persia and egypt. Remnants of his contest still survived till this day in Afghanistan.
When he died in egypt, his generals took ove parts of the Empire so that was how Greek Became the official language of the region.
And when ceasar married an Egyptian Queen cleopatra, she was actually Greek.
no. which was bigger? Alexander or the mongols?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Mongol empire under kublai stretches from the Pacific to the Baltic. You can find tartar mosques in latvia and estonia. Derelict and unused.

Incorrect. Kublai was the emperor of the yuan dynasty. No more Mongol empire after the death of the 4th Great Khan, Mongke.