Crocodiles are known for drowning their victims by pulling them in. Its only a fight if the animals are big. They also do not consume the animal straight away but lodging the carcass under a log or something similar only to consume it later. This video does not have the actual sound but the other media carries the sound where you an here the villagers shouting and screaming at the animal. If it was orchestrated by the witch doctor they would have been calm.
The crocodile was probably dragging the body to another lair when the body resurfaced or to protect its food from other crocodiles when it was frightened and released the body.
Anyone seen the recent thread in this forum where video shows a crocodile calmly swimming with an intact body of a dog in its jaws as it made its way in a Singapore canal. Dog was not bleeding and no injuries noticeable. Probably drown as it was dragged in.
Witch doctor probably knows the routine just like Shamans know when the rains and snow is about to fall on the Prairie. Thats when the praying starts.