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[Video] - JHB says she felt got ghost want to fuck her, do you want to fuck her?


I'm more interested what she actually does with that wimpy looking bf of hers in the hotel room when she hasn't encountered the hantu. The hantu must have been aroused by what he saw that he too wanted to join in the fun.


Malaysia Gin

that's stinkyporean chink harlot

an illegal immigrant in malaysia

why hasn't malaysia ousted all kafir stinky fucktards out of malaysia and dumped them back to stinkypura?

malaysia is no place for stinkyporeans. end of. i would have done it on day 1. squeeze stinkypura dry.

and build up a massively powerful advanced military to squeeze stinkypura.

a few well placed explosions in stinky financial hubs will dent all investor confidence in forex trading from stinkypura

ability to depress myr will be significantly reduced then