- Joined
- Aug 27, 2008
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- 山八珍﹕ 駝峰、熊掌、猴腦、猩唇、象拔、豹胎、犀尾、鹿筋。
- 海八珍﹕ 燕窩、魚翅、大烏參、廣肚、龍骨(鱘龍魚)、鮑魚、海獅(海豹)、狗魚(娃娃魚)。
- 禽八珍﹕ 紅燕、白鶴、鵪鶉、天鵝、鷓鴣、彩雀(孔雀)、斑鳩、紅頭鷹。
- 草八珍﹕ 猴頭、銀耳、竹蓀、驢窩菌、羊肚菌、花菇、黃花菜、雲香信。
- 頭路:圍碟冷菜四個
- 白切羊羔
- 鮮紅凍肘
- 毛峰熏鴨
- 蜜汁火腿
- 二路:圍碟乾果四個
- 瓜子
- 花生
- 杏仁
- 桃仁
- 三路:圍碟鮮果八個
- 甘蔗
- 石榴
- 地梨
- 桔
- 大棗
- 桃
- 紅果
- 片瓜
- 四路:大菜八個
- 燕窩肥鴨燴鹿尾
- 蟹黃燴魚翅
- 烏龍雜燴(海參)
- 蝦子魚肚
- 火腿白菜
- 鴨子祭神肉炖白菜
- 紅燒蹄子
- 葱椒炖整魚
- 五路:燒烤兩個
- 掛爐燒烤小豬子
- 熏烤哈爾巴
- 六路:點心兩洋碟
- 大肉包
- 朝子糕
- 乾果六手碟
- 五香小豆
- 炸花生米
- 桃仁
- 炸榛子
- 炸杏仁
- 鹽炒松仁
- 冷菜六小碟
- 冰碗
- 春菜
- 熗苦芽
- 香樁豆腐
- 火腿末薺菜
- 熗芹心
- 冷葷四盆
- 鹽水鴨
- 醬鴨
- 香樁蝦片
- 清醬肉
- 熱菜四盆
- 鳳落燕菜
- 鴿蛋湯
- 油鷄炖魚翅
- 烤奶豬
- 熱炒四盆
- 抓炒腰花
- 蜜汁羊排
- 松子牛舌
- 脊抱蠣黃
- 點心六份
- 薩其馬
- 滿州包子
- 小窩頭
- 馬蹄酥
- 黃糕肉末燒餅
- 熱菜十二道
- 炭火烤鴨
- 油爆豬肚尖
- 烤羊腿
- 如意冬筍
- 燜犴達罕(麋鹿)
- 金錢廣肚
- 滿州蒸江魚
- 炸雞腿
- 火腿扒頭蘑
- 滿州豆炖鹿膝
- 燴鮮鮑乾貝
- 甜菜兩大碗
- 冰糖銀耳
- 桂圓肉羮
- 熱菜十道
- 野參七星肘子
- 松蘑烤雞
- 茵陳熊掌
- 乾爛蝦仁
- 松子白雞
- 糟蛋魚唇
- 囗鹿肉
- 清湯鹿尾
- 御府鴨塊
- 清湯鮮貝
- 蜜菜四碟
- 蜜供
- 蜜果
- 蜜肉類
- 蜜梨
- 點心八件
- 豌豆黃
- 烘爐酥卷
- 芙蓉糕
- 三鮮燒麥
- 蒸蛋糕
- 拔絲山藥
- 煎蝦盒
- 大件四道
- 烤全羊
- 蒄仁整鴨
- 黃燜駝峰
- 清蒸加吉魚
- 滿州小炒八件
- 御府八寶醬
- 御府乾貝菜心
- 御府掐菜辣子
- 御府樁魚
- 御府鴨掌
- 御府醬魚丁
- 御府醬鐵雀
- 御府香花裏脊
- 甜菜二碗
- 冰糖哈什螞
- 蜜汁金棗蓮子
- 漢菜四盆
- 清蒸火方
- 炒螺片
- 炒翠豆腐
- 炒青椒雞絲
- 點心八件
- 千層糕
- 炸春卷
- 木墀糕
- 滿州蒸餃
- 小包酥盒
- 京冬菜酥卷
- 芸豆卷
- 肉末佛手卷
- 鮮湯一件
- 野人參罐燜群鮮湯
- 第一台
- 珍品大件:
- 鳳還巢(雞脯肉、燕窩)
- 隨上八景:
- 雙蝶湖飛
- 軟炸雞火
- 脆炸鳳尾餅
- 香炸飛龍鳥
- 芫爆香螺球
- 蒓菜鳳羽
- 紅油烏龍棒
- 龍井湖兵
- 珍品大件:
- 第二台
- 珍品大件:
- 玉鵬展翅(雞肉、雞翅)
- 隨上八景:
- 銀珠牡丹(魚丸、銀耳)
- 雪梅笑春(魚肉、菜心)
- 花月鴨腰
- 鳳尾飄玉帶(大蝦、魚翅)
- 金鳥入林(炸乳鴿、蔬菜)
- 風花雪月
- 佛抄手
- 琥班藏珍
- 珍品大件:
- 第三台
- 珍品大件:
- 麒麟送子(麋鹿唇肉、魚、火腿)
- 隨上八景:
- 龍入鳳幛(鱖魚、鷄)
- 紅白雙菊(鷄肫、豬肚)
- 鵲雀蹬梅
- 芹仁龍鬚(嫩芹、魚翅)
- 彩霞雁膛肝
- 玉女配才郎
- 五福臨門
- 烏龍戲玉鳳(海參、雞)
- 珍品大件:
- 第四台
- 珍品大件:
- 叉烤奶全豬(掛爐乳豬)
- 隨上八景:
- 鳳凰戲牡丹
- 糟溜香龍片(白鱔)
- 紅霞照金蟬
- 二龍相會(黃鱔、白鱔)
- 枯木回春
- 紅油金蟬足
- 冬後冬光
- 薑苗雁脯
- 珍品大件:
- 第五台
- 珍品大件:
- 鴛鴦歡笑(大蝦、蛋餃)
- 隨上八景:
- 景上添花
- 月下友情
- 八仙過海
- 腐皮腰羮(腐皮、鴨腎)
- 酥麻蛋餃(蛋餃上麵湖油炸沾花椒)
- 百花脫骨鳳(無骨雞)
- 龍錘鳳卷(魚肉、雞肉剁成茸做成卷油炸)
- 春光百菜鮮
- 珍品大件:
- 第六台
- 珍品大件:
- 火煉金身(持爐烤鴨)
- 隨上八景:
- 風雲飄玉帶
- 雁脯桃鄉
- 黃龍蟠玉桂
- 香裙月寶(甲魚裙邊)
- 金峰蹬嶺
- 嘉笑雙現
- 四色霞光龍
- 鮑王鬧府(鮑魚、蟹黃、淋響油)
- 珍品大件:
- 第七台
- 珍品大件:
- 皇母換宮
- 隨上八景:
- 蜜汁地龍珠(蛇肉丸)
- 蜜汁蘋果盅
- 蜜汁香條脯(瓜果)
- 蜜汁江米藕(糯米灌蓮藕)
- 三鮮蟬酥羮
- 哈巴薄荷羮
- 桔烙元宵(燒柑桔圓)
- 火燒雪山
- 珍品大件:
- 第八台
- 珍品大件:
- 網油叉烤桂魚
- 隨上八景:
- 苗鮮綉珠
- 香烤酥鳳(烤雞)
- 金餃魚珠(蛋餃、魚肉丸)
- 五福蟠壽
- 金錢鮑魚(鮑魚切片)
- 梅果玉圓
- 紅日三白
- 萬年常青
- 珍品大件:
- 第九台
- 珍品大件:
- 烏龍蟠鳳(海參、雞)
- 隨上八景:
- 酥松香盒
- 烙爆香腰(豬腎)
- 回朝蘇
- 鳳翼薺菜
- 玉鳥傳信
- 香火玉挺
- 素中珍泉
- 口蕈皮卷(腐皮包口蘑)
- 珍品大件:
- 第十台
- 珍品大件:
- 鴨寶猴頭蘑(整鴨燜猴頭菇)
- 隨上八景:
- 金蟬拜月
- 雙龍蟠月(海參、魚丸)
- 海紅魚肚(蟹黃燴魚肚)
- 鰣龍產春
- 酒醉生鱔(酒燜黃鱔)
- 三彩魚片
- 奶汁魚卷
- 四味鮮魚
- 珍品大件:
- 第十一台
- 珍品大件:
- 蟠掌捕竹(熊掌煨筍)
- 隨上八景:
- 玉樹金果
- 鳳落山峰
- 冬雪蘭花
- 烏龍魚片
- 黃金肉片
- 羅漢鯽魚(鯽魚鑲入肉餡)
- 雪夜挑花(大蝦、銀耳、火腿、雞蛋)
- 麻婆豆腐
- 珍品大件:
- 第十二台
- 珍品大件:
- 鳳冠鹿茸
- 隨上八景:
- 神仙鴨子
- 糖醋鯉魚
- 紙包雞
- 龜羊湯
- 宮保雞丁
- 溜魚焙麵
- 黃燜甲魚
- 丁蹄
- 珍品大件:
- 四整鮮
- 山東香蕉蘋果
- 深洲蜜桃
- 新疆葡萄
- 汕頭蜜柑桔
- 四蜜碗
- 蜜汁櫻桃
- 蜜汁海棠
- 蜜汁菠蘿
- 炒紅果
- 四乾果
- 琥珀桃仁
- 糖炒大扁
- 葡萄乾
- 蜜餞蓮子
- 四麵果
- 綠豆糕
- 福壽糕
- 芙蓉糕
- 薩其瑪
- 四鋪底
- 青梅
- 冰糖
- 瓜條
- 蜜棗
- 四葷凉碟
- 糟鴨片
- 青醬肉
- 熗青蝦
- 酥魚
- 四素凉碟
- 辣黃瓜皮
- 素什景
- 素鵝
- 松子香菇
- 酒
- 遠年陳紹
- 狀元紅
- 綠茵陳
- 蓮花白
- 五加皮
- 山東黃
- 頭菜
- 一品官燕
- 帶四小菜
- 汆白牡丹茉莉
- 炒江豆腐
- 龍鳳呈祥
- 紅燒天花菌
- 二菜
- 黃魚肉翅
- 帶四小碗
- 口蘑鍋巴
- 象眼鴿蛋
- 辣魚粉皮
- 翡翠羮
- 頭道甜菜
- 桂花山藥
- 拔絲蓮子
- 核桃酪
- 陳子羮
- (撒桌、換桌面)
- 三菜
- 鳳陽烏參
- 帶四小碗
- 原桶鮑魚
- 醬爆核桃雞
- 雪花魚球
- 溜南北
- 四菜
- 紅燒猴頭蘑
- 帶四小碗
- 鳳凰汆牡丹
- 奶油玉米鴨掌
- 糖溜魚片
- 燒羊肚蘑菇
- 頭道點心
- 四喜餃
- 三慶盒子
- 賀麵
- 珍珠湯
- (撒桌、換桌面)
- 五菜
- 扒熊掌
- 帶四小碗
- 湯爆雙脆
- 糟蒸鴨肝
- 贊沙子蟹
- 炒芙蓉雞片
- 二道甜菜
- 釀蘋果
- 蜜汁金棗
- 冰糖菠蘿
- 百子湯圓
- (撒桌、換桌面)
- 七菜
- 清蒸鰣魚
- 帶四小碗
- 奶油扒廣肚
- 高麗銀魚
- 炸烹對蝦段
- 燴鴨腰
- 八菜
- 蠔油裙邊
- 帶四小碗
- 冰糖哈士蟆
- 九轉大腸
- 芫爆羊肚仁
- 乾燒冬筍
- 三邊點心
- 三鮮燒麥
- 水煎包
- 炸春卷
- 酥盒子
- (撒桌、換桌面)
- 四烤
- 烤全豬
- 烤全羊
- 烤北京填鴨
- 烤天鵝
- 四壓桌
- 貴妃雞
- 長生不老
- 萬年青
- 菊花魚鍋
- 四小炒
- 薑絲肉
- 八寶醬
- 炒泡菜
- 蝦子腐竹
- 四素食
- 銀絲卷
- 荷葉卷
- 佛手卷
- 盤頭卷
- 四粥碗
- 荷葉粥
- 八寶粥
- 秫米粥
- 元米粥
- 四粥碟
- 京醬蘿蔔
- 蝦油小菜
- 白糖
- 紅糖
- 進門三道茶
- 清茶
- 蓮桂
- 燕窩或銀耳
- 到客九道點
- 杏酪
- 槽糕
- 松子餅
- 盒子酥
- 小麻餅
- 元宵
- 春卷
- 金錢餅
- 荷葉酥
- 開席糖果三十六件
- 四仙客來
- 四蜜餞
- 四色糖
- 四色京果
- 四色乾果
- 四色相香
- 四色高桩
- 四色製果
- 四色水果
- 冷葷碟六件
- 鹽水蝦
- 佛手蜇
- 松花蛋
- 南火腿
- 醬燒鴨
- 白斬雞
- 冷素碟四件
- 芹菜頭
- 頭髮菜
- 紅皮蘿蔔
- 泡菜
- 遠年紹興花雕酒
- 紅白燒烤各四件
- 紅燒小豬
- 紅燒鴨子
- 紅燒鯽魚
- 紅燒胸叉
- 白片雞
- 白片羊肉
- 白片鵝
- 白片豬肉
- 跟上點心四碟
- 片餑餑
- 荷葉頭
- 千層餅
- 月牙餅
- 鮮果四碟
- 桔子
- 枇杷
- 綉球
- 青梅
- 乾果四碟
- 白桃仁
- 茶尖
- 百合
- 南薺
- 大件八道
- 清炖一品燕菜
- 南腿炖熊掌
- 溜七星螃蟹
- 紅燒果子狸
- 扒荷包魚翅
- 清炖鳳凰鴨杏仁酪
- 清蒸麒麟松子
- 燴空心魚肚石榴子
- 小碗十六件
- 紅燒美人蟶乾
- 炒雪花海參
- 爆炒螺絲魷魚
- 炒金錢纒蝦仁
- 燴青竹猴頭
- 鍋貼金錢野雞
- 蜜汁一品火腿
- 燒珊瑚魚耳
- 金銀翡翠羮
- 溜松花鴿子蛋
- 蝦卧金錢香菇
- 燒如意冬筍
- 燴銀耳
- 炸鹿尾
- 燴鹿蹄
- 烹鐵雀
- 壓桌八碗
- 燴蝴蝶海參
- 紅燒鯊魚皮
- 汆哈士蟆
- 清蒸四喜
- 紅燒天花菌鮑魚脯
- 酿芙蓉梅花雞
- 燴荷花魚肚
- 燴仙桃白菜
- 隨飯四碗
- 金豹火腿炒南薺
- 南腿冬菜炒口蘑
- 冬筍火腿炒四季梅
- 金腿絲溜金銀綠豆芽
- 隨飯四碟
- 熗苔乾
- 拌海蜇
- 調香乾
- 拌洋粉
- 點心四道八碟隨上茶麵四件
- 頭道
- 一品鴛鴦
- 一品燒賣
- 隨上杏仁茶
- 二道
- 爐乾菜餅
- 蒸豆芽豉
- 隨上雞餡餃
- 三道
- 爐牛郎卷
- 蒸菊花餅
- 隨上圓肉茶
- 四道
- 爐烙餡餅
- 蒸風雪糕
- 隨上魚絲麵
- 頭道
- 麵飯四樣
- 盤絲餅
- 蝴蝶卷
- 滿洲餑餑
- 螺絲饅頭
- 望菜四碟
- 乾爐
- 白菜
- 桃仁
- 杏仁
- (更換杯盞)
- (再開席)
- 蜜碗四碟
- 紅櫻桃
- 青梅
- 蜜棗
- 葛仙米
- 湯炒各四
- 汆蓀鴿蛋
- 炒蝦仁
- 扣丁雞
- 炒冬菇
- 脊腦湯
- 鹿尾湯
- 鴨羮湯
- 群鮮湯
- 海碗八件
- 大烏參
- 龍躉皮
- 魚唇
- 龍腸
- 燕窩
- 魚翅
- 廣肚
- 明骨
- 大件四碗
- 神仙雞
- 炖鴨球
- 大鯽魚
- 紅圓蹄
- (更換杯盞,撤花雕,上蜜令白酒)
- 調味品八色
- 椒鹽
- 甜麵醬
- 玫瑰醬
- 香油
- 淡葱花
- 油鹽葱花
- 芥末葱花
- 辣油葱花
- 紅白燒烤各二件
- 燒豬 鼻冲、耳朵、腦、腦頂與燒餅同上 前頰、後腿、口條、硬背皮與薄餅同上 腎、長排、肥膘與金皮殼餅同上 爪尖、奶皮、肋條與元宵、酥片同上
- 燒鴨 鴨片、鴨肉、扦利、頭尾與餑餑同上
- 白煮雞 雞片、雞肉、扦利、頭尾與荷葉餅同上
- 哈爾巴 批四小盤牡丹片與豬腦卷同上
- 四高擺
- 白瓜子
- 葵花子
- 黑瓜子
- 杏仁
- 四乾鮮
- 大京子
- 大紅袍
- 酥桃仁
- 炸杏餅
- 四整鮮
- 石榴
- 鴨梨
- 蘋果
- 橙
- 四水果
- 紅果
- 南薺
- 香蕉
- 桔
- 四乾餞
- 蜜棗
- 瓜條
- 桃脯
- 杏脯
- 四糖餞
- 楊梅
- 櫻桃
- 山楂
- 枇杷
- 八拼十六樣
- 酥魚拼蓮藕
- 佛手海蜇拼虾米紅菜
- 咸鴨蛋拼咸水板鴨
- 料小鷄拼野鷄醬瓜絲
- 松花皮蛋拼素火腿
- 金錢萵苣拼熗瓜皮
- 火腿拼平遙牛肉
- 臘羊肉拼蹄花
- 八大件二十四樣
- 一大件
- 生扒魚翅
- 清湯鮑魚
- 清炒蝦仁
- 二大件
- 清蒸鰣魚
- 清湯蛤士蟆
- 虎皮鴿蛋
- 三大件
- 鷄米海參
- 蘿蔔球燒乾貝
- 燴烏魚蛋
- 四大件
- 蟹黃魚肚
- 炸鐵雀
- 過油肉
- 五大件
- 三絲魚翅
- 錘鷄餅
- 紅燜猴頭
- 六大件
- 黃芪柏子羊肉
- 茴香燜羊肉
- 鵪鶉茄子
- 七大件
- 栗子燒大葱
- 長治臘驢肉
- 扒鹿骨
- 八大件
- 扒熊掌
- 炒鱔魚糊
- 湯爆雙脆
- 一大件
- 四甜大件十二樣
- 一大件
- 釀八寶鴨
- 炒栗子泥
- 冰糖桂圓
- 二大件
- 凍糖燕菜
- 冰糖銀耳
- 炒蠶豆泥
- 三大件
- 東坡肉
- 琉璃蘋果
- 冰糖百合
- 四大件
- 虎皮蓮子
- 炸玉珍澄沙
- 蜜汁葫蘆
- 一大件
- 四紅烤
- 烤鴨
- 烤乳豬
- 烤酥肉
- 烤火腿
- 四白烤
- 烤駝峰
- 烤項卷
- 烤哈爾巴
- 烤魚
- 四甜點共八件
- 一甜點
- 玫瑰餅
- 杏仁茶
- 二甜點
- 百合酥
- 山楂酪
- 三甜點
- 烤蛋糕
- 仙米酪
- 四甜點
- 酥盒子
- 冰糖三白
- 一甜點
- 四鹹點共八件
- 一鹹點
- 蟹黃燒麥
- 頭腦
- 二鹹點
- 三鮮蒸餃
- 鷄雜花湯
- 三鹹點
- 烤酥包子
- 汆生鷄絲
- 四鹹點
- 烤叉燒開花包
- 瓜片汆裏脊
- 一鹹點
- 二十四底座
- 燒肉
- 煳肘子
- 黃燜鷄
- 鴛鴦鷄蛋
- 螺絲肉
- 米粉肉
- 元寶肉
- 爐拔肉
- 油燜牛肉
- 南煎小丸子
- 螺絲鷄
- 醬梅肉
- 金銀酥
- 扣肉
- 清蒸羊肉
- 肉片燜雪裏蕻
- 鴨油蒸蛋羮
- 皮箱豆腐
- 一品丸子
- 菊花白菜
- 火腿冬瓜
- 菠菜汆丸子
- 栗子燒白菜
- 髮菜豆腐
- 第一道
- 大型彩拼:龍騰魚躍,配四鮮花
- 四座食品像型雕刻
- 第二道
- 24個飛潛動植造型單碟
- 第三道:四清口菜、熱素炒
- 蝦蛋燴南北
- 口蘑炒豆苗
- 廣米熘菜苔
- 鷄油燜冬筍
- 第四道:四爽口菜、四拼葷炒
- 一拼
- 水晶魚餅
- 紙包魚片
- 翻饊桂魚
- 二拼
- 三色魚絲
- 碧綠魚丁
- 生炒魚花
- 三拼
- 番茄魚卷
- 滑油魚球
- 茘枝青魚
- 四拼
- 麻仁魚塊
- 金魚吐司
- 軟拖魚條
- 一拼
- 第五道
- 頭菜:八寶鳳吞排翅
- 二湯:花釀掌上明珠
- 三點:蘿蔔火腿餅、酥炸地菜卷
- 第六道:八大名貴魚肴
- 清蒸團頭魴
- 珍珠鬧金鯉
- 香雪燕菜羮
- 瓜仁甜酥
- 三色蛋糕
- 牡丹綉鱖魚
- 原籠蒸鮰魚
- 三絲熘鯽魚
- 海參燜青魚
- 松鶴魚圓湯
- 香菇湯包
- 蝦仁豆皮
- 第七道:10味特產魚鮮
- 茅台槎頭編
- 爐烤酥春魚
- 百花釀魚肚
- 粉蒸龍舟魚
- 鷄泥桃花魚
- 清炖義和蚶
- 古城龍鳳配
- 鏤金螃蟹頭
- 鳳脯膾金龜
- 冬瓜鱉裙羮
- 第八道
- 什景菊花火鍋
- 如意魚卷
- 龍魚花筒
- 綉球桂魚
- 荷包魚圓
- 魚茸蛋餃
- 清炒鱔魚
- 百花魚肚
- 荆沙魚糕
- 雲夢魚麵
- 麥穗魷魚
- 金絲菊瓣
- 四飯菜
- 沙市獨蒜
- 紅方乳腐
- 銀魚掐菜
- 洪湖香稻
- 什景菊花火鍋
- 第九道:四色鮮果
- 秭歸臍柑
- 武當獼猴
- 巴河甜藕
- 孝感紅菱
- 第十道:五茶食
- 桔餅
- 青梅
- 咖啡
- 可可
- 麻城雨前
- 雲霧仙茗
- 席設迎客花四品
- 進門雙喜茶
- 開席四到奉
- 開席四貴果
- 椒鹽核桃仁
- 烘炒天府長生果
- 開花桂圓肉
- 脫袍熟栗子
- 瀘州老窖特麴
- 四川醪糟液
- 四冷碟(滿族風味)
- 熏肉
- 白片羊肉
- 葱椒炸酥鯽魚
- 油煎葱花蒜泥茄子
- 四雙拼(漢族風味)
- 蝦鬚牛肉絲拼凉拌金鈎芹菜絲
- 樟茶鴨拼油爆陳皮蝦
- 纏絲兔條拼乾辣熏
- 蒜泥白肉拼棒棒鷄絲
- 四大碗
- 燕窩秋梨鴨
- 野鷄紅燜鹿筋
- 高湯煨排翅
- 皇冠乾貝
- 小炒十二件(滿族風味四件,漢族風味八件)
- 御府八寶辣醬
- 御府麵醬魚丁
- 天花菌炒豆腐衣
- 抓炒腰花
- 砣砣魚
- 回鍋肉
- 豆瓣鯽魚
- 軟炸蝦包
- 蠔油鮑片
- 滑炒駝峰絲
- 蝦子海參
- 蟹粉蓮花白
- 大菜十件(滿族風味四件,漢族風味六件)
- 肥鷄口蘑糟膾肘子
- 李鴻章雜碎
- 炖熊掌
- 五香甲魚
- 蟹粉獅子頭
- 蟲草鴨
- 砂鍋通天翅
- 宮門獻魚
- 黃葱扒魚唇
- 罐煨蹄花
- 炸菜六件(漢滿風味各三)
- 松鼠黃魚
- 轟炸東京
- 炸八塊
- 神仙肉
- 炸鹿尾
- 炸鵪鶉
- 清口菜十碟
- 炮萵苣
- 泡蘿蔔
- 泡生薑
- 泡蕎頭
- 泡紅椒
- 菜包乳腐
- 鹽煮花生
- 糖醋蒜頭
- 泡蓮花白
- 凉拌蒜苔
- 四大烤
- 烤乳豬
- 烤鴨
- 烤肥鷄
- 烤哈爾巴
- 調味料二十碟
- 芥末醬
- 蕃茄醬
- 甜麵醬
- 辣椒醬
- 麻油
- 芝麻醬
- 花生醬
- 咖喱醬
- 麻辣醬
- 韭菜花泥
- 紅乳腐卥
- 醉孔腐卥
- 蠔油
- 果醬
- 冲菜泥
- 糖醋
- 葱油
- 糖拌醬油
- 葱鹽油料
- 香蕉果泥
- 鹹點十件
- 花邊月餅
- 文樓湯包
- 五香茶葉蛋
- 福州綫麵
- 蒸籠肥腸
- 菜豆花
- 荷葉蒸餅
- 夫妻肺片
- 廣西炖品
- 火宮殿臭頭腐
- 甜點十件
- 湯碗四件
- 鮮果十件
- 送客雙喜茶
- 重慶沱茶
- 蒙頂甘露
- 四到奉
- 四熱葷
- 雞皮鱘龍
- 蟹黃鮮菇
- 玉簪田雞
- 夜合蝦仁
- 四冷葷
- 酥薑皮蛋
- 京者腎球
- 酥炸鯽魚
- 鳳眼膶
- 四雙拼
- 菠夢拼火鵝
- 北菇拼豬脷
- 青瓜拼腰花
- 露筍拼雞肉
- 四大碗
- 一品官燕
- 鳳尾大裙翅
- 象拔虞琴
- 金錢豹狸
- 四中碗
- 虎扣龍藏
- 仙鶴燴熊掌
- 銀針炒翅
- 鼎湖上素
- 四小碗
- 炒梅花北鹿絲
- 紅爐烘雪衣
- 乾燒網鮑片
- 鳳入竹林
- 四每位
- 月中丹桂
- 舌戰群儒
- 清湯雪耳
- 鹿羓水鴨
- 四燒烤
- 燒乳豬全體
- 如意雞一對
- 哈爾巴一扎
- 掛爐片皮鴨一對
- 四冷素
- 齋扎蹄
- 素筍尖
- 齋麵筋
- 素白菌
- 四座菜
- 清蒸海鮮
- 廣肚乳鴿
- 烏龍肘子
- 焗燒羊腿
- 八鹹點
- 母子鮮蝦餃
- 雞肉拉皮卷
- 雲腿餡兒餅
- 蟹肉海棠果
- 鮮蝦扒水餃
- 百花釀魚肚
- 芙蓉雞粒角
- 酥炸鱸魚條
- 八甜點
- 玫瑰煎蛋糕
- 脆皮菠蘿球
- 奶油焗香酥
- 蓮子蓉方脯
- 橙汁鴛鴦筒
- 七彩凍香糕
- 水晶鮮奶凍
- 芝麻鳳凰卷
- 二甜菜
- 西瓜盅
- 雪凍杏仁豆腐
- 一麵
- 乾燒伊麵九寸
- 一乾飯
- 白飯
- 一稀飯
- 白粥
- 四飯菜
- 鹹蛋
- 牛乳
- 鹹魚
- 炒菜
- 一湯
- 草菇蛋花湯
- 四跟湯
- 酸辣湯跟乳豬
- 火腿上湯跟第一道點點
- 長春湯跟片皮鴨
- 草菇上湯跟伊麵
- 四跟麵製品
- 千層餅跟乳豬
- 片兒燒跟如意雞
- 餑餑跟片皮鴨
- 如意卷跟哈爾巴
- 一百子桃包
- 雀鹿蜂猴百子壽桃全座
- 二分手
- 大紅瓜子
- 炸銀杏仁
- 四京果
- 提子乾
- 酥合桃
- 杏脯肉
- 桂圓乾
- 四糖果
- 糖蓮子
- 糖冬瓜
- 糖桔餅
- 糖椰角
- 四蜜果
- 蜜錢金桔
- 蜜錢柚皮
- 蜜錢棗子
- 蜜錢枇杷
- 四酸果
- 酸沙利
- 酸蕎頭
- 酸子薑
- 酸青梅
- 四生果
- 蘋果
- 甜橙
- 茘枝
- 沙田柚
- 四水果
- 馬蹄
- 蓮藕
- 菱角
- 望強尖
- 四看果
- 象生香蕉
- 象生雪梨
- 象生四季桔
- 象生潮州柑
- 愛新覺羅·瀛生、于潤琦著《京城舊俗》,北京燕山出版社1998年7月第一版
- 北京仿膳飯莊. [2010-11-11].
- (清)李斗著 《揚州畫舫錄》 卷四 汪北平 涂雨公點校 中華書局 清代史料筆记 ISBN 978-7-101-01705-2
- 稻鄉人類飲食博物館展品,可參見照片[失效連結]。
- [https://www.cna.com.tw/news/acn/201901190171.aspx 北京故宮:沒有滿漢全席 108道是演繹的],中央社,2018年1月19日
- 《滿漢全席記略》. 上海交通大學. 1995. ISBN 7-31301508-9.

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Disambig gray.svg This entry describes the full house. For those with the same name, please see "Manchu Banquet (disambiguation)".
The Daoxiang Food and Culture Museum simulates the scene of the Manchurian banquet in Hong Kong in 1977. The left one is the labyrinth and the second is the monkey brain.
Man Han and Han are rumored to be a giant banquet that combines the characteristics of the Manchu and Han nationalities. It originated from the court of the Qing Dynasty. It was originally the banquet of Emperor Kangxi’s 66-year-old birthday, aimed at resolving the Manchu and Han and the Manchu family. The later generations follow this tradition and join the treasures, which are extremely luxurious. However, the official history does not record this, but only some private notes are mentioned. Some people think that the "full feat" is purely fictional. The name comes from a cross talk. In the 1920s, the comic actor "Glamorous Man" (Li Dezhen) compiled a "speaking" word that lists a large number of dishes, called "The Name of the Newspaper." Later, by rumor, he was nicknamed "the full man." [1]
table of Contents
1 Qing Dynasty
2 Status
3 Various Manchurian menus [6]
3.1 Type
3.2 Send the main officer to the full house
3.3 Manchurian official feast full of banquet
3.4 Manchus in the late Qing Dynasty
3.5 Da Manhan
3.6 "Full Spectrum" Manchu Banquet
3.7 Jin Dynasty Manchu
3.8 E-style Manchu
3.9 Sichuan-style Manchu
3.10 Cantonese-style Manchu
3.11 Hong Kong Datong Restaurant
3.12 Beijing Dasanyuan Restaurant
3.13 Imitation of the rice cakes
3.14 Washington, the Immortal House, Manchu
3.15 omni-form imitation full man
3.16 Manchu Selection
4 Reference
5 External links
Qing Dynasty
When Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty was 66 years old, he had a special 3 days and 6 feasts for the Han and Manchu tribes, offering more than 300 dishes. According to legend, Emperor Kangxi first tasted in the palace, and the imperial book "Man Han Ban" made the Man Han feast famous. At that time, there were different palaces and palaces in the Manchu, and the Manchu in the palace was exclusively for the emperor and the royal family. The close relatives, the heroes and the heroes (the Han nationality only had more than two officials and the emperor’s confession) were eligible to participate in the palace. Full of Han. Outside the palace, the Han Dynasty is full of seats. It is often the first and second officials of the Manchus who preside over the scientific examinations and local meetings. The Manchus are invited to entertain the imperial ministers. When they are seated, they must wear the beads and the public clothes [2].
During the Qianlong Jiashen period, Li Douzhi's "Yangzhou Paintings" detailed description of the grand occasion; in the luxurious 6 feast, the collection of hundreds of Han, including the bird's nest chicken soup, sea cucumber, pork ribs, kelp pork belly, Abalone pearl meal, mussel shrimp soup, shark's fin crab, fish belly ham, steamed hump, pear slices with steamed civet, steamed deer tail, squid tongue bear paw, bad steamed squid, fake fish liver, Western milk, He was awarded the Halpa Pig, fried pork and mutton, hanging chicken, duck, duck, pig, and sheep, etc. [3].
Bazhen in the Manchu:
Shan Bazhen: Hump, Bear's paw, Monkey brain, Gorilla, Elephant, Leopard, Rhinoceros, Deer.
Hai Bazhen: Bird's nest, shark's fin, big black ginseng, wide belly, keel (longan fish), abalone, sea lion (sea seal), pike (monkey fish).
Avian Bazhen: Red Swallow, White Crane, Dragonfly, Swan, Dragonfly, Color Bird (Peacock), Dove, Red-headed Eagle.
Grass Bazhen: Monkey head, white fungus, bamboo stalk, armpit fungus, morel, flower mushroom, day lily, Yunxiang letter.
The utensils are made of copper, and the carvings are ingenious. The dishes are made of pastel Wanshou tableware. The large pieces of porcelain are modeled after chicken, duck, fish, pig, etc., with fire furniture (ie hot pot), the upper layer is placed on the dish, and the lower layer is ignited with wine. . The water-carrying furniture is made of tin, divided into two layers inside and outside, the inner layer is placed in the soup, and the outer layer is placed in boiling water to facilitate heat preservation.
When the room is full of Chinese ceremonies, it is generally first to eat full of vegetables, and then to eat Chinese food. In the meantime, you need to change the tabletop, which means "turning over the table." The guests enter the banquet hall to play the music first. After sitting down, they use the snacks. After the guests arrive, they will remove the four fresh stalks and perform the toasting ceremony. The dishes will be served. The whole process has been changed four times for the whole table. Dishes, commonly known as "turning the table." Since then, it has gradually spread to the people, becoming a symbol of luxury and luxury.
status quo
In the early years of the Republic of China, it was changed to a feast of the Han Dynasty. Soon, it was replaced by eight banquets and eight banquets. In the 1930s, it was changed to eight major pieces.
On November 2nd and 3rd, 1977, Hong Kong Guobin Restaurant (now the Federal Restaurant Group) was commissioned by Japan's TBS TV station to produce a total of 108 dishes full of people at a price of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. The restaurant used more than 160 people and it took three months to prepare for it. This process was broadcast live to Japan by satellites. Since some animals have become protected animals, and some cooking techniques have been lost, it is impossible to make a full feast like the Qing Dynasty. [4]
In 2018, Ren Wanping, deputy dean of the Beijing Palace Museum, said that there was no "full seat", only full seats and Han Xi, and there were not as many as 108. The full seats were held in the palace, and the Han Xi was outside the palace. In the case of the ceremonies, the court banquet is divided, the Han banquet, and the full seats are divided into six. [5]
Various Manchurian menus [6]
The banquet in the Qing Dynasty also included Mongolian relatives, banquets, banquets, banquets, and banquets.
Man Han is divided into Manchu and Xiaomanhan, Damanhan is generally 108 discs, and Xiaomanhan is 64 discs. The early dishes are more common in Shandong cuisine, and there are also Tianjin dishes. After the transfer, the localities have different interpretations according to different tastes, materials and cooking methods [source request].
Send the main officer to the full house
In 1838, Chengdu-based official Yang Haixia passed away. His family asked his teacher Li Xiwei to be the chief officer, and he was rewarded with a full feast.
Head road: four dishes of cold dishes
White cut lamb
Fresh red frozen elbow
Maofeng smoked duck
Honey ham
Second road: four dried fruits
Melon seeds
Peach kernel
Three Ways: Eight Fresh Fruits
sugar cane
Red fruit
Slice melon
Four Ways: Big Eight
Bird's nest fat duck elk tail
Crab-blossom shark fin
Oolong chowder (sea cucumber)
Shrimp fish belly
Ham cabbage
Duck sacrificed meat stewed cabbage
Braised hoof
Green onion stewed whole fish
Five roads: two barbecues
Hanging BBQ BBQ Piggy
Smoked Halba
Six Ways: Dim Sum Two Ocean Dish
Big meat bag
Chaozi cake
Also equipped with Shaoxing Zhuangyuan Red.
Manchurian official feast full of banquet
It is contained in the "Beijing National Hotel Restaurant", which is a banquet for the local government of Manchuria. For every 58 items, there are 2 hours of rest between 9 am and 8 pm. There are songs and dances and official music.
Dried fruit six-handed dish
Spiced adzuki beans
Fried peanuts
Peach kernel
Fried dumplings
Fried almonds
Salt fried pine nuts
Cold dish six small dishes
Ice bowl
Spring vegetables
Bitter bud
Fragrant pile tofu
Ham leeks
Cold four bowls
Salted Duck
Sauce duck
Fragrant shrimp
Clear sauce
Four dishes
Pigeon egg soup
Oil chicken stewed shark fin
Roasted pig
Hot fried four pots
Stir fry waist
Honey sauce lamb chops
Pine nuts
Six snacks
Manchurian buns
Small nest
Horseshoe cake
Yellow cake minced meat
Hot dish twelve
Charcoal grilled duck
Oil burst pig tip
Roast leg of lamb
Ruyi winter bamboo shoots
Money and belly
Manchurian steamed fish
Fried chicken leg
Ham and oyster mushrooms
Manchu bean stewed stag
Fresh scallop
Two bowls of beets
Sugar candy white fungus
Longan meat
Hot dish
Wild ginseng seven-star elbow
Pine mushroom roast chicken
Yin Chen Xiongzhang
Dried rotten shrimp
Pine nuts white chicken
Bad fish lips
Elk meat
Clear soup deer tail
Yufu Duck Block
Clear soup
Honey dish four dishes
Honey fruit
Honey meat
Honey pear
Eight snacks
Pea yellow
Oven roll
Hibiscus cake
Three fresh siu mai
Steamed cake
Candied yam
Fried shrimp box
Big four
Roasted Lamb
Coix seed
Yellow dragonfly hump
Steamed squid
Manchu small fried eight pieces
Yufu Babao Sauce
Yufu scallop
Yufu leek spicy
Yufu Pile Fish
Yufu duck
Yufu Sauce
Yufu sauce
Yufu fragrant flower loin
Two bowls of beets
Ice candy
Honey juice, golden dates, lotus seeds
Han dishes four pots
Steaming fire
Fried snail
Fried green tofu
Fried green pepper chicken
Eight snacks
Fried spring rolls
Wooden cake
Manchurian steamed dumplings
Small package
Jingdong cuisine crisp rolls
Kidney bean roll
Minced meat bergamot
One piece of fresh soup
Wild ginseng canned soup
Manchu in the late Qing Dynasty
For the love of Xinjue Luo Yiyi's chef Tang Keming recalled that where 108 products, the name of the dish turned gorgeous, and more local dishes appeared.
The first
Phoenix still nest (chicken chop meat, bird's nest)
With the eight scenes:
Twin Butterfly Lake Fly
Soft fried chicken fire
Crispy fried phoenix
Fragrant fried dragon bird
Red oil oolong stick
Yu Peng spread wings (chicken, chicken wings)
With the eight scenes:
Silver bead peony (fish balls, white fungus)
Xuemei Xiaochun (fish, cabbage)
Flower moon duck waist
Phoenix tail jade belt (prawn, shark's fin)
Golden bird into the forest (fried pigeons, vegetables)
Wind and snow
Buddha hand
Aban Banzhen
Kirin Sending Son (Oyster Lip Meat, Fish, Ham)
With the eight scenes:
Dragon into the phoenix (salmon, chicken)
Red and white double chrysanthemum (chicken, pork belly)
Celery Longquan (Cinnamon, Shark's fin)
Caixia wild goose liver
Jade girl with talent
Five Blessings
Oolong Opera Yufeng (sea cucumber, chicken)
The fourth station
Forked whole milk pig (hanging suckling pig)
With the eight scenes:
Phoenix Opera Peony
Bad Scented Dragon (White Stork)
Hong Xia Zhao Jin
Erlong Meeting (Huang Wei, Bai Yu)
Dead wood rejuvenation
Red oil
Winter afterglow
Jiang Miaoyan
鸳鸯 笑 laugh (prawn, egg dumplings)
With the eight scenes:
Adding flowers to the scene
Friendship under the moon
Eight Immortals crossing the sea
Rotten lumps (cork, duck kidney)
Crisp egg dumplings (egg dumplings above the lake fried with pepper)
Baihuadian bone phoenix (boneless chicken)