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[Video] - After killing Hezbollah's top commanders, Israel now destroys 1000 Hezbollah missile launchers in Lebanon


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Only if you are a jew. The rest will Be considered as Amelek.

Without the Jews we'd still be living in the dark ages.

Almost all major scientific advances over the last century are thanks to the Jews.

If we depended on the Muslims for our technology we'd all be riding camels.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Without the Jews we'd still be living in the dark ages.

Almost all major scientific advances over the last century are thanks to the Jews.

If we depended on the Muslims for our technology we'd all be riding camels.

Once upon a time the Arabs were quite smart themselves, but centuries of religion-approved inbreeding had lowered their collective IQ. :cool:

It's not really race, refer to the red/pink parts of southern Europe where their religion of peace has a sizeable mindshare among the population. :wink:
