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[Video] - African Woman says Africa is Not Poor Because of Colonization, quotes Singapore as example


Alfrescian (Inf)
Poor because of exploitation. Just ask the PRCs, they have plundered and mined most of Africa's natural resources. Europeans started it first, remember blood diamonds?


Serf support the landlord.
Maids and foreign labourers are like prisoners confined to work places and dormitories.
And still working for a landlord...but at least in singkieland...after they work n save n are financially prudent they can b landlord in their home countries


What about former British colonies like South Africa n Rhodesia n Uganda? Especially SA...which was the best place when the poms were in charge....after the blacks took over, see wat happened? They all gone backwards...me thinks for many former pommie colonies things went backwards. As such ang mor best
Whereever evil BE takes over turn into a Sin city and lawlessness. Your aunties become lau kuay bu and uncles become gangsters and pimps...
Go fuck yrslf with vallium broomstick...


Everything can be explained by the geographical nature of the location.
How western civilisation began from the fertile crescent and the nile, which lies in north africa.
Both have rivers, fertile plains and climate from which agriculture can flourish.
you misunderstand. niggers are not north africans. north africans are almost quasi middle easterners. At a certain latitude and below then become niggers.

Egyptians are not niggers. There was a big hoo haa a few years ago that Cleopatra in a movie was not black enough when all evidence points to a mediterranean look.


The blacks in the US became worse off after the introduction of the welfare system causing them to behave irresponsibly.
And the imposition of a new education system which punishes good schools and rewards the bad ones.
you really off the deep end lah... go and visit a few of these people yourself then decide. You read too much and experience too little.