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[Video] - African Woman says Africa is Not Poor Because of Colonization, quotes Singapore as example


Alfrescian (Inf)
africa is perpetually poor because of its people. niggers where ever they are are fucked up, even for the so called lucky ones who are born in the u.s. any city that is run by niggers or nigresses is a basket case.

syed putra

Everything can be explained by the geographical nature of the location.
How western civilisation began from the fertile crescent and the nile, which lies in north africa.
Both have rivers, fertile plains and climate from which agriculture can flourish.

syed putra

africa is perpetually poor because of its people. niggers where ever they are are fucked up, even for the so called lucky ones who are born in the u.s. any city that is run by niggers or nigresses is a basket case.
The blacks in the US became worse off after the introduction of the welfare system causing them to behave irresponsibly.
And the imposition of a new education system which punishes good schools and rewards the bad ones.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Everything can be explained by the geographical nature of the location.
How western civilisation began from the fertile crescent and the nile, which lies in north africa.
Both have rivers, fertile plains and climate from which agriculture can flourish.
even the “north africans” comprising egyptians, tunisians, algerians, moroccans despise niggers and consider niggers uncivilized baboons and chimps.

syed putra

even the “north africans” comprising egyptians, tunisians, algerians, moroccans despise niggers and consider niggers uncivilized baboons and chimps.
Rubbish! North african trade with black african. Cities like timbuktu snd mombasa thrive due to trade between arabic speaking people and blacks.
Black Cities along the ivory coast are 1000 years old.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Rubbish! North african trade with black african. Cities like timbuktu snd mombasa thrive due to trade between arabic speaking people and blacks.
Black Cities along the ivory coast are 1000 years old.
trade for raw materials such as shells, animal hide and ivory tusks, all primitive stuff. the french traded with native americans for fur and wild animals but still despised them.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Rubbish! North african trade with black african. Cities like timbuktu snd mombasa thrive due to trade between arabic speaking people and blacks.
Black Cities along the ivory coast are 1000 years old.

Most of these trade were land-based routes, not sea. Hence, volume of trade is small compared to maritime trade. There's only so much camels and oxen can pull vs a single carrack or merchantman ship.

Also, a lot of these trade were trading slaves, something that made your islamic 'prophet' and chieftains rich.


What about former British colonies like South Africa n Rhodesia n Uganda? Especially SA...which was the best place when the poms were in charge....after the blacks took over, see wat happened? They all gone backwards...me thinks for many former pommie colonies things went backwards. As such ang mor best

syed putra

Most of these trade were land-based routes, not sea. Hence, volume of trade is small compared to maritime trade. There's only so much camels and oxen can pull vs a single carrack or merchantman ship.

Also, a lot of these trade were trading slaves, something that made your islamic 'prophet' and chieftains rich.
Africa does not have a natural deep sea port. Even the rivers are not navigable due to sand bars and rapids.

syed putra

trade for raw materials such as shells, animal hide and ivory tusks, all primitive stuff. the french traded with native americans for fur and wild animals but still despised them.
You must be a nuts.
Africans were trading salt, gold and ivory with north africans.
The europeans learned from history to seize territories and enslave or destroy people from conquered lands, initially from greeks, and later from romans.
Red indians cannot be enslaved, so it must be destroyed.


I sorry to throw cold water ... it is its' people that determine a country's destiny.

There is no progressive low IQ country in this world. It does not matter if your country have rich resources.

Race and IQ


Alfrescian (Inf)
You must be a nuts.
Africans were trading salt, gold and ivory with north africans.
The europeans learned from history to seize territories and enslave or destroy people from conquered lands, initially from greeks, and later from romans.
Red indians cannot be enslaved, so it must be destroyed.
thanks to johntan, forgot to mention slaves. nigger slaves were used sextensively in the middle east and north africa to fan the elites from dawn to dusk to keep them cool.


Nope, geography plays a important role on how civilisation evolve.
Also culture, language and attitudes, look at HK...give the hongkies a choice.. between the poms n the chicons n hands down..they prefer pommie rule to chicon rule n they say the ang Mors bad...wat a joke


thanks to johntan, forgot to mention slaves. nigger slaves were used sextensively in the middle east and north africa to fan the elites from dawn to dusk to keep them cool.
Need to add mudslime slave trade was going on way after the ang Mors banned slavery...but funny the woke don't talk about that...


syed putra

thanks to johntan, forgot to mention slaves. nigger slaves were used sextensively in the middle east and north africa to fan the elites from dawn to dusk to keep them cool.
During those times, anyone conquered, white, brown or black, ends up being slaves or gladiators.

syed putra

Need to add mudslime slave trade was going on way after the ang Mors banned slavery...but funny the woke don't talk about that...

Slavery is a huge business.
Today, its called manpower suppliers.
Agents collect hefty fees from both sides.
Msids and construction crew ends up working for months without salary.
Slavery still continues with slight changes.


Slavery is a huge business.
Today, its called manpower suppliers.
Agents collect hefty fees from both sides.
Msids and construction crew ends up working for months without salary.
Slavery still continues with slight changes.
U are confusing slavery with Serfdom