You are not only ashamed of your stupid chink identity spreading wuhan virus and all that, you now hope that copying your ang moh kia masters' false religion of polytheism (belief in three gods and all that) will elevate your status despite the fact that all that has given you is a huge swollen posterior. Given that your tender arse has been drilled since childhood by your ang moh kia priests and pastors, that really is not much of a surprise.
"India" is a creation of the poms, who were defeated black and blue by plenty of Muslims (but not enough, yet, imo) incl Ottomans at Gallipoli, Afghans, going as far back as the Bangla in the Battle of Coalcutta
Poms don't even have much of a history or civilization to begin with. If not for their empire created thanks to industrial revolution and subsequent looting beginning with richest country of the world i.e. Bangla, none of this nonsense we see from the anglo jews poms would have been observed.
btw if you didn't know, your ang moh kia pommie masters were whitewashed by bangla recently in Cricket. quintessential brit sports.
must be quite a shame for your pommie masters to be WHITEWASHED by banglas in their own game of CRICKET.