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Posted on 30 Apr 2010
Sleepless nights for my friend because neighbour borrows money from loansharks
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Wendy's friend has been having sleepless nights after her Jurong flat was splashed with paint and her gate locked -- all because her neighboured had borrowed money from loansharks.
Said the STOMPer:
"This pictures belong to my friend. She is so depressed from all this.
"Look at what these people did to her flat.
"All because her neighbour had borrowed from loansharks and sold off the unit.
"To make things worse, the new neighbour who leased out the unit is too busy to bother.
"My friend has a young son to worry about. Now she has sleepless nights not knowing what they will do next to her flat.
"Police report has been made numerous time, but it seems like it's not working.
"She is even terrified of going home late at night without her husband around.
"They even chained up her gate for nothing. She was trapped in her own flat with her son.
"What if something had happened. It is so uncalled for."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: loansharks
Sleepless nights for my friend because neighbour borrows money from loansharks
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Wendy's friend has been having sleepless nights after her Jurong flat was splashed with paint and her gate locked -- all because her neighboured had borrowed money from loansharks.
Said the STOMPer:
"This pictures belong to my friend. She is so depressed from all this.
"Look at what these people did to her flat.
"All because her neighbour had borrowed from loansharks and sold off the unit.
"To make things worse, the new neighbour who leased out the unit is too busy to bother.
"My friend has a young son to worry about. Now she has sleepless nights not knowing what they will do next to her flat.
"Police report has been made numerous time, but it seems like it's not working.
"She is even terrified of going home late at night without her husband around.
"They even chained up her gate for nothing. She was trapped in her own flat with her son.
"What if something had happened. It is so uncalled for."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: loansharks