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[USA] - Blonde girl TV host says her African black co-host looks like a gorilla, people are demanding she be fired from her job


If a person is fat ... and I called him fat. Am I wrong? If I am just stating a fact, so what is wrong?

I don't understand why lesser race are easily offended. Recent Brown face advertisement by some Chinese dude was a good example. I remembered Vernetta Lopez act as a Chinese in "under one roof". Actually she was so good in her role that the Chinese supported her instead of condemning her.

IQ and Race
So says the hairless baboon with a 2 inch dick. :rolleyes:


Old Fart
just looking for a clue. I like playing detective.

nobody i've asked so far has ever told me why.... :frown:

get back to me ok? :coffee:

actually that does seem to top the list of semi-answers I got. :thumbsup:

Anti-establishment, doesn't care about any play book, unpredictable, dangerous, alpha male, able to fuck up the people the common man is not able to. We all secretly wish we have a leader like him.:thumbsup::biggrin: