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US fucked UAE into recognising Israel. Muslim countries more disunited.

syed putra

Here is a comment from someone who understands better.

MESTI BACA : Donald Trump brokers historic diplomatic relations between Israel And UAE, Israeli annexation of West Bank cancelled, Malaysians can visit Masjid Al Aqsa

Well folks, yesterday 13th August 2020 was another historic day. President Donald Trump has "crossed over into North Korea" again. The quite unthinkable has happened. President Trump has brokered peace and diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Before you read further the UAE comprises of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Fujayrah and a total of seven "emirates".

And the UAE is a huge partner in the GCC or Gulf Cooperation Council which comprises of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman.

Meaning it is a matter of time before all the GCC countries (well maybe except Qatar) will also establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

Israel already has diplomatic relations with Jordan and Egypt. Here is the news :

President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed of UAE agreed to full normalization of relations between Israel and UAE
Below is text of joint statement by US, UAE, Israel on normalization of ties between Israel and UAE
The historic diplomatic breakthrough will advance peace in Middle East
testament to bold diplomacy and vision of three leaders
courage of UAE, Israel to chart new path
will unlock great potential in the region
All three countries will benefit from today’s historic achievement
Israel Suspends West Bank Annexation in Deal to Normalize Relations With the UAE
Delegations from Israel and UAE will sign agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, the establishment of reciprocal embassies, and other areas of mutual benefit.
Opening direct ties between two dynamic societies and economies will transform the region by spurring economic growth, enhancing technological innovation, and forging closer people-to-people relations.
at the request of President Trump, Israel will suspend sovereignty over areas outlined
focus efforts on expanding ties with other countries in Arab and Muslim world.
UA, Israel, UAE confident diplomatic breakthroughs with other nations possible
UAE, Israel will immediately cooperate development of coronavirus vaccine
these efforts will help save Muslim, Jewish and Christian lives throughout the region
peaceful diplomacy bring together two of America’s most reliable partners
Israel and UAE will join US to launch Strategic Agenda for Middle East
to expand diplomatic, trade, and security cooperation
US, Israel and UAE share similar outlook regarding threats, opportunities in region
agreement will lead to better lives for people of UAE, Israel and region
parties will continue efforts to achieve resolution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
all Muslims who come in peace may visit and pray at Al Aqsa Mosque
Jerusalem’s other holy sites open for peaceful worshippers of all faiths.
PM Netanyahu and Crown Prince express deep appreciation to President Trump
for his dedication to peace and pragmatic and unique approach to achieve this

My comments : This means that Malaysian Muslims can also visit and pray at the Al Aqsa Mosque. This will be a first since 1967.
To make this deal happen Israel has had to give up their plans to annex portions of the West Bank.
I believe that the entire West Bank annexation plan was just a red herring. It was never going to happen.
I believe the so called "annexation of the West Bank plan" (which was never objected to by the UAE, Saudi or the GCC) and now Israel 'suddenly giving it up' was all just a pre-planned "face saving device" or camouflage to help the UAE (and soon Saudi Arabia and the GCC Arab countries) sell the idea of diplomatic relations with Israel to their own people. Wayang tinggi Donald Trump, Israel dan Pak Arab GCC.
The Arab monarchs can now tell the people on Arab Street 'Look at what we have done. We have saved the West Bank from Israeli annexation. Recognising Israel and opening our embassy in Israel is just a small price to pay. We have saved Palestine."
The question is where will they open their embassies in Israel? In Tel Aviv or in Jerusalem?
This also confirms that the Salafis and the Wahabis will now be pro Israel. Otherwise they may not get any more Saudi money.
The few countries that are not part of the equation here are Shia majority Iraq and Iran as well as Shia ruled Syria and Lebanon.
The Sunni Arab countries are teaming up with the Jews.
Bagi orang Melayu pula fahamlah baik-baik. Apa yang sedang berlaku adalah orang Arab sedang jaga periuk nasi mereka. Semuanya selalu pasal 'shoru' atau periuk nasi.
Serupa juga dengan parti lebai kita di Malaysia.
Hari ini dia boleh sumpah laknat geng yang tidak menguntungkan dia.
Esok bila dia nampak ada untung bagi dia, sumpah laknat boleh bertukar menjadi peluk-memeluk, timang-timang dan cium-mencium orang yang dulu dia laknat itu.
Pendapat saya begini - asalkan orang tidak kena dera, asal orang tidak kena bunuh. Asalkan orang mempunyai segala peluang hidup untuk mencapai segala cita-cita mereka dan bagi anak mereka di masa depan - untuk hidup secara aman dan makmur maka itu adalah peluang yang baik bagi masa depan umat manusia. Untuk hidup dan maju dalam aman dan makmur.
Soalan cepu mas : Habis Tabung Tin Milo Jihad Palestin nak jadi apa? Hmm... bummer.

A Singaporean

From a practising Chink

Ridhuan Tee Abdullah has urged his fellow Chinese not to be too greedy or power hungry, saying the community already “received more than what was fair.
Fucker with name like Abdullah means he does not eat bacon and thus he is a stupid m&d wannabe. No wonder he is a Muslim.

syed putra

Ridhuan tee propagates ancient arab paganism.
He was caught plagiarising another's work in his PhD thesis.

DAP: Sack Ridhuan Tee for alleged plagiarism

The Editor

November 21, 2013 08:05 am +08


Last Updated: 1:22pm, Nov 21, 2013
KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 21): DAP wants Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) lecturer Prof Ridhuan Tee Abdullah fired over alleged plagarism in 2010.
Party national vice chairman Teresa Kok and party's Senator Ariffin Omar said this today while producing Ridhuan's individual coursework for the Grade DS51 Efficiency Level Assessment (PTK4) which helped him in getting a promotion to senior lecturer post in the learning institution.
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"We sack students who plagarise. That has happen before. So why do we treat members of the staff differently?" asked Ariffin.
Ariffin, who was a lecturer at UPNM from mid 2010 to Jan 2013, said the allegations of plagarism was investigated but action was not taken by then vice-chancellor to the chagrin of many of Ridhuan's colleagues.
The coursework was done from May to June 2010 after which Ridhuan was promoted, claimed Ariffin.
Kok today said that she tried to raise the matter during the budget debates but was ignored.
"Even MIC Youth had made a report to the ministry for the matter to be investigated (in March) but no action has been taken,
"We will write a letter to Idris and also the UPNM vice-chancellor to take action," said the Seputeh MP adding that this inaction may set a bad precedence for the quality of Malaysian academia.
Universiti Technology Malaysia (UTM) lecturer Airil Yasreen Mohd Yassin has claimed that Ridhuan coursework contained a whole section of paragraphs he had written in his blog.
For more stories, go to www.fz.com, the website for freedom of expression and fairness in articulation.

A Singaporean

Ridhuan tee propagates ancient arab paganism.
He was caught plagiarising another's work in his PhD thesis.

DAP: Sack Ridhuan Tee for alleged plagiarism
The Editor

November 21, 2013 08:05 am +08


Last Updated: 1:22pm, Nov 21, 2013
KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 21): DAP wants Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) lecturer Prof Ridhuan Tee Abdullah fired over alleged plagarism in 2010.
Party national vice chairman Teresa Kok and party's Senator Ariffin Omar said this today while producing Ridhuan's individual coursework for the Grade DS51 Efficiency Level Assessment (PTK4) which helped him in getting a promotion to senior lecturer post in the learning institution.
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"We sack students who plagarise. That has happen before. So why do we treat members of the staff differently?" asked Ariffin.
Ariffin, who was a lecturer at UPNM from mid 2010 to Jan 2013, said the allegations of plagarism was investigated but action was not taken by then vice-chancellor to the chagrin of many of Ridhuan's colleagues.
The coursework was done from May to June 2010 after which Ridhuan was promoted, claimed Ariffin.
Kok today said that she tried to raise the matter during the budget debates but was ignored.
"Even MIC Youth had made a report to the ministry for the matter to be investigated (in March) but no action has been taken,
"We will write a letter to Idris and also the UPNM vice-chancellor to take action," said the Seputeh MP adding that this inaction may set a bad precedence for the quality of Malaysian academia.
Universiti Technology Malaysia (UTM) lecturer Airil Yasreen Mohd Yassin has claimed that Ridhuan coursework contained a whole section of paragraphs he had written in his blog.
For more stories, go to www.fz.com, the website for freedom of expression and fairness in articulation.
He become stupid after stop eating bacon.


Alfrescian (Inf)
On the contrary, they are more united against Iran, their common enemy.

Iran also happens to be China's client state (Huawei bitch got detained in Canada because of Iran). China has also been stirring shit in the Middle East especially during the Obama years, so the US military gets distracted while China militarizes the South China Sea.

All that is going to change. Enjoy the show. :cool:

A Singaporean

On the contrary, they are more united against Iran, their common enemy.

Iran also happens to be China's client state (Huawei bitch got detained in Canada because of Iran). China has also been stirring shit in the Middle East especially during the Obama years, so the US military gets distracted while China militarizes the South China Sea.

All that is going to change. Enjoy the show. :cool:
Camel fucking Sunni Arabs will never be united. Just look at Mudland another Sunni country.

syed putra

On the contrary, they are more united against Iran, their common enemy.

Iran also happens to be China's client state (Huawei bitch got detained in Canada because of Iran). China has also been stirring shit in the Middle East especially during the Obama years, so the US military gets distracted while China militarizes the South China Sea.

All that is going to change. Enjoy the show. :cool:
Iran has not threaten anyone that i know of except maybe in yemen.

A Singaporean

Iran has not threaten anyone that i know of except maybe in yemen.
Iran is a peaceful country with rich culture and smart people and not easily pushed around by AMDK unlike the camel fucking Arabs who will sell their mothers if Trump has them to do so.


So in this forum we can find:

1) China Mainland Tiongs are hated
2) Ah nehs are hated
3) Malays, especially from Malaysia are despised
4) Chinese Malaysians are despicable
5) AMDKs are all bad

running out of people to hate


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Arabs have not been united ever since the Ottoman Empire was dissolved.

The venomous religion of Judaism, if it ends, will not immediately result in peace.

Other venomous religions like Communism, Hinduism, Buddhism still remain.

I can see that you are still worshipping that fake prophet muhammad. You are still as dumb as ever.