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US fucked UAE into recognising Israel. Muslim countries more disunited.


Next would be Al Sauds.

Al Sauds testing the water with their proxy UAE.

All these dictatorial Arab regimes are yankee installed puppets anyway.
They are bound to toe Yankee policy.

Now out in the open.

The only positive is it's clear who is the enemy outside. And who are the enemies within.

A Singaporean

Egypt recognised israel decades ago, bum!
You stupid dumb Muslim ass. The thread is one more stupid Muslim country now recognises Israel. Which part of the thread says UAE is the first? Go back to fuck your sister and daughter so you can go Heaven with 72 virgins.


The end of Arab unity and the venonmous religion. Peace to the world at last.

Arabs have not been united ever since the Ottoman Empire was dissolved.

The venomous religion of Judaism, if it ends, will not immediately result in peace.

Other venomous religions like Communism, Hinduism, Buddhism still remain.

A Singaporean

Arabs have not been united ever since the Ottoman Empire was dissolved.

The venomous religion of Judaism, if it ends, will not immediately result in peace.

Other venomous religions like Communism, Hinduism, Buddhism still remain.
Obviously you camel fucker do not know the meaning of venomous religion. Go back to fucking your camel.


this is good news for world stability, and a big setback for iran, who is trying to build a pact with china. now china will have to rethink their strategy


Obviously you camel fucker do not know the meaning of venomous religion. Go back to fucking your camel.
View attachment 88602
This mudhatter is a big bastard. He fucks around here with no strong evidences and cannot substantiates whatever he says. Just ignore this big bastard and he must die in the most miserable manner after suffering a long illness before his death. Ditto to all his family members.

syed putra

Islam is not a religion so i don't really care what religionist muslims do to each other. The more intense and deep they go into religion seeking solution, the more problems will occur. Thats because its based on misconception.


Sounds to me like following strikes on Saudi Arabian Aramco Oil refineries last year, the Gulf States are aligning against Iran. Big win for the Donald Trump administration.


Sounds to me like following strikes on Saudi Arabian Aramco Oil refineries last year, the Gulf States are aligning against Iran. Big win for the Donald Trump administration.

They were already aligned against Iran.

Hence the strikes.


Islam is not a religion so i don't really care what religionist muslims do to each other. The more intense and deep they go into religion seeking solution, the more problems will occur. Thats because its based on misconception.

Go back to sleep.

You are hallucinating again.