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Unwise and Stupid to buy beds / mattress from Ikea


Hi guys,

I wanted to buy simple mattresses and a double decker bed frame. However, Ikea 70 dollar delivery and assembly fee (40 dollars) are too expensive.
I ended up buying cheap rubber wood bed frame (i think it is from jiuhu) and simple mattress from hdb furniture shop. It is really cheap and efficient.
Trust me, please support HDB furniture shop.

Disclaimer: Unlike other shit who receive 50 cents per post, I do not receive money from HDB furniture association.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Buying furniture from Ikea was a dumb idea to begin with. You only buy accessories, decorations and certain household tools etc from Ikea.


Hi guys,

I wanted to buy simple mattresses and a double decker bed frame. However, Ikea 70 dollar delivery and assembly fee (40 dollars) are too expensive.
I ended up buying cheap rubber wood bed frame (i think it is from jiuhu) and simple mattress from hdb furniture shop. It is really cheap and efficient.
Trust me, please support HDB furniture shop.

Disclaimer: Unlike other shit who receive 50 cents per post, I do not receive money from HDB furniture association.
you enjoy the aircon and peep at the chiobu no need to pay?
HDB shop have what?
hot and auntie


you enjoy the aircon and peep at the chiobu no need to pay?
HDB shop have what?
hot and auntie

Is ok so long as hdb furniture is priced reasonably and their items are simple and durable.
I can just window shop at Ikea if I need their aircon and meimei view. Living in Singapore is expensive and we need to be thick skin you know.