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Unvaxxed returning to Singapore - jump through the hoops!


Yes onlee my uncle salary 3.5k will dare to ask and the leesult gonna be a puppy running away.
That's why most of the time the righteous people are the poor ones. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: When you are poor, you have nothing to lose, and you have the courage to speak your mind. Truth be told, the motivation behind the courage is self-tulan. When you have some money in your pocket, and you know which side of your bread is buttered, your sense of righteousness will fizzle out like a punctured tire.

Another faster way to corrupt a righteous man is pussy. When the small head gets stroked, the big head will behave like it kanna stroke.:rolleyes:


That's why most of the time the righteous people are the poor ones. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: When you are poor, you have nothing to lose, and you have the courage to speak your mind. Truth be told, the motivation behind the courage is self-tulan. When you have some money in your pocket, and you know which side of your bread is buttered, your sense of righteousness will fizzle out like a punctured tire.

Another faster way to corrupt a righteous man is pussy. When the small head gets stroked, the big head will behave like it kanna stroke.:rolleyes:
Seriouslee even last time before my uncle have >1mils in his account he was always the few that dare to beat ceos to puppy :sneaky:
That's why my uncle has never been promoted before in his entire life of employment and ended always needing to self exit. But nevermind my uncle has never been loyal to any companies and always can land another job within a mth or 2:rolleyes:
More importantlee he knows how to accumulate his mil through other means.
He has not been corrupted by pussies before though. If it had happened my uncle not sure will he succumb to it :biggrin: